Chapter 50

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1 year later

My eyes fly open as I hear the sounds of gunshots "Dante" I shake Dante up as he quickly sits up and looks around "I think we are under attack" I shout out, he jumps out of bed and runs straight out of the door.

I stand up as I walk to Sophia's cot "Hey baby" I pick her up as I walk to the door and lock it. I get into the walk-in closet and hide in there with Sophia, I gave birth to a healthy baby girl 8 months back. We named her Sophia because it's Dante's biological mother's name.

She sucks on her thumb as I smile down at her, I pull a gun out that is hidden on top of Dante's drawer. This is what I feared if we have a child and Dante is still in the mafia. I found out that when Dante attacked the Russian mafia base, he never get to kill Andrei because he took off before Dante could kill him.

Sophia starts to get crabby as I start rocking her, I hear the door explode as I hide behind the clothes and hold Sophia close to my chest "I'll kelp you safe my little one" I cry as I hold the gun pointed at the door as I clock it. I put my finger on the trigger as I wait for the people to enter.

Sophia starts moving as she cries out, my eyes widen as I pull her to my chest and cover her face with my coat. I hear things breaking in my room and all of a sudden gunshots are fired, this brings Sophia to the edge as she starts screaming and crying. The door of the closet flies open as I see about 5 men standing there.

Sophia starts yelling again as I feel a hand grab onto my hair and pull me out of our hiding, they push me to the floor as I protect Sophia with all my might "Please don't hurt her" I yell at them as tears pour out of my eyes. They just laugh at me as I crawl onto the floor to get away from them "you not going to get far" the man tsks as I cry out for help "Shut up!" he yells as he slaps me. I cover Sophia with my clothes as I hide her away from them "just don't hurt her and I'll do what you want" I bargain with them as they all just laugh "that's the problem here love, we want you both dead" I scream as he drags me by my hair and one of the guys tries to take Sophia out of my hands but I fight for her.

The man eventually grabs her out of my arms as I cry out "Don't hurt her!!" Sophia starts crying as she starts to get restless, the man presses a gun to her head as my eyes widen in shock "Don't. You. Dare!" I growl out as he just smirks "Do what we say then" I nod as I stand up and they drag me with them to Dante's office "give us the files for the transportation" I roll my eyes as I turn to them "even though I'm Dante's wife that doesn't mean I know what he does in his mafia business because I don't get involved ass hats" the gun makes contact with my face as I fall to the floor "Don't you dare talk to us like that!" he bends down as he trails his gun down my body "Get away you filthy shit!" I hit his head as I kick him in his manhood.

I pull the gun from my back as I shoot the guy to my right but as I'm about to shoot the rest Sophia comes in view with the gun pressed to her head "drop the gun!" he yells as he presses the gun more into Sophia's head as I quickly let the gun fall "tie her hands up" He yells at the other men, they grab my hands "Let her go!" my head snaps up to see Dante holding a gun to the guys head who was holding Sophia. The guy passes Sophia to Jason as he drops his gun "On your knees!" they all get on the knees as Adam ties their hands as they take them away "Babe" Dante grabs onto me as I hug him.

We pull away as he grabs Sophia and holds her close to us "I love both of you" I smile and kiss Sophia's head and his "and we love you too. Is everything sorted out?" I question him as he nods "I'm having a meeting now so you'll hear everything".

I nod as I take a seat with Sophia on the office chair while Dante just applies some ointment on the mark from where the guy hit me "I'm so sorry" I shake my head "it's fine Dante"

Everyone settles in the room as I see Mason walk-in "Hi Mason" I greet him as he hugs me "how are you, Violet?" I smile "I'm good" he looks at Sophia "there's my little niece" he kisses her cheek as Dante starts the meeting.

"Today we were attacked and since we had a good war against the Russians, no one died or got injured and I'm happy about that and we finally get to rule over the Russian territory" everyone starts clapping as I look and see Sophia smile and laugh, I pinch her nose as Dante walks up to me and kisses Sophia's head "as you know I got a family, my beautiful wife and the most adorable little girl" everyone smiles as I look at Dante and hold his hand "I just want to thank everyone for supporting the Omerta and standing by me. It's been a good experience working with you all and we must never forget the people who sacrificed their lives fighting for the Omerta, I love the Omerta . We are all family and if anyone ever needs anything, I'll always be here" I look at Dante confused.

"I'm dropping off from the leader of the Omerta" everyone gasps as I stare at him in shock "I can't get my family's life in danger anymore, I think we all been through enough and I got a family to look after now and I want to be in my daughter's life in the future and my other future kids as well" he laughs as he pulls me up and kisses my head "I'm now handing the position over to my brother Mason Romano. He will be a great leader and he will lead this mafia to the best. I'm leaving you all in the hands of another great leader, I will be leaving the mafia house and live alone with my family" everybody cheers for Dante as I hug him "Thank you" he smiles "when it comes to you and my baby, I'll do anything" he peaks my lips "Everyone welcome your new leader Mason Romano!" everyone claps as Mason comes and thanks Dante.

"Let's get out of here babe," Dante says as he pulls me out of the room "this is a start of our new journey," he says as I stare at his beautiful brown eyes that Sophia has inherited from him "I love you both" I say as he starts packing our bags.

This is a new life for us.

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