Chapter 4

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I take out my hotel card from my purse and swipe it in the scanner

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I take out my hotel card from my purse and swipe it in the scanner. The door unlocks as I push open the heavy black door, I look around the room to find that the lights are switched on and the bed sheets show visible signs that he is here. I look around the room but to see no sign of 'my husband'. Where could he be? The bathroom door is wide open, completely empty... maybe he is busy with 'Veronica'.

Anways why should I care?

I go to my suitcase which stood near the bed on the left-hand side of it. I gather a set of pyjamas and walk into the bathroom remembering earlies events but hold myself back from puking.
After a long, hot shower I change into a comfortable set of pyjamas. I stroll out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my wet hair but spot him sitting on the bed. Dante.

One of his hands is running through his hair - pulling on it - while he's using his other to type aggressively onto his phone.

He lifts his head up not daring to look at me. "Take the bed, I will take the floor."

I was taken back for a minute. My eyes quickly search around the room for a sleeper couch or something to sleep on, but see nothing except for two single couches.

I ignore him and march to the bed, grab two sets of pillows but immediately I am stopped by a pair of hands. "What do you think you are doing?" I yank my hands away from his grip and give him a stern glare, "You can take the bed." I push pass him but before I could take another step, I find myself pinned against the wall.

"Can you ever be satisfied with something? When I speak to you nicely, you have a problem and when I get aggressive you also have an issue. So, what do you want Violet? Should I take you into that bed and have my own ways with you? Is that what you want? Will that make you listen?"

My eyes widen at his choice of words.

I use my strength as I shove his body away from mine, "You better watch your language with me, Dante! I have told you before that I will not tolerate your torment." My breathing comes out ragged as I stare at the laughing cow in front of me.

"No one... and I mean no one escapes Dante Romano's torture Violet, you better keep that in mind."

He walks to the bed and pulls out clothes that were folded underneath the pillow. He makes his way towards the bathroom, but not before turning back and giving me the most ugliest glare ever.

I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. I won't back down, like I said before I won't break. I will show him I'm strong enough to face any storm he throws at me. I'm ready for this.

I lay on the floor with a pillow underneath me. I'll defeat you Dante Romano.

Next morning

I wake up to the sun brightly shining on my face, I quickly lift my arm up to cover the blinding light. I sit up and my eyes scan the room and immediately my eyes land on the bed.

There was no one on it, but the sheets were crumpled up. That meant he did sleep on it. I stand up and cringe at the sound of my bones cracking. I touch my back and a sharp pain shoots up, closing my eyes I hold onto the dresser as I begin feeling a dizzy spell come upon me.

But, soon after the dizziness finally fades away, I walk towards the bathroom door and see that it is slightly ajar. And again, there was no one in there. Where was he?

I walk to the dresser and pick up my phone to look at the time, it was exactly 07:30 in the morning. So where would he be so early in the morning?

I walk towards my suitcase and take out my day clothing. I go into the bathroom, not forgetting to shut the door and lock it behind me. I turn on the shower as I pull my top up. The sharp pain shoots up my back once again and I look into the mirror, horrified to see that I have nasty looking blue bruise on my back. What worst does God have planned for me, if yesterday was not enough.

After a shower, I throw on a simple mustard floral dress paired up with black wedges

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After a shower, I throw on a simple mustard floral dress paired up with black wedges. These clothes are not my kind of style at all, but since my family prides themselves in being classy and having riches, plus being married to a billionaire, I have to keep up with their standards.

I walk around the room admiring how beautiful it is but I get interrupted by a soft knock at the door.

I walk to it and pull the door open and see Luca - Dante's driver, "Hello Mrs Romano-" Before he could go on, I stop him immediately and tell him to please call me Violet.

He smiles at me once again and then continues. "Sir has instructed me to take you to your new home now and that you need to pack all your belongings so that we can leave."

I give him a confused look, "Weren't we supposed to stay here for a week?"

Luca nods his head in agreement, "Yes Mrs- uhm, I mean Violet, but Sir has said that he has some important work to attend to, so he needed to go back home."

I nod at him and tell him I will be downstairs in a few minutes, "Let me help you with your bags, Violet." I smile at his helpfulness, but tell him I can do it by myself and he can just fetch the car in the meantime.

" I smile at his helpfulness, but tell him I can do it by myself and he can just fetch the car in the meantime

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