Chapter 15

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"Dad, can I speak to you?" I ask my father as I sit opposite him and my mother "speak Violet" I look at my mother and back at him "in private Dad" he looks confused but then my mother stands up and looks at him "we both know what she wants to talk about David" she glares at me and back at dad "let me just see what she wants to say Elizabeth" my dad says, he stands up and walks behind me "David listen to me....." she goes to grab his hand but he pulls it away "stop it Elizabeth NOW!!" she lowers her gaze and sits back down.

Dad pushes me to his office and closes the door "what do you want to speak about Violet?" he sits on his table and looks curiously at me "I need answers dad and I need them now" he nods, he looks at the door and gets up to lock it "talk violet" I fiddle with my top as I look back at him "where is Isabella?" he laughs and shakes his head "I knew you were going to ask that question but as you said you want answers so I will give you answers, she is somewhere safe" I nod, I feel a wash of relief  "did anyone harm her?" I was thinking back to the picture mum showed me "no, after we heard she is pregnant, we told her to leave, she is where she supposed to be"

"then why did y'all not get her married to Dante when you found out she is pregnant?" he blinks and turns away "Violet, all I'm going to say is she is where she belongs" I so badly wanted to ask him that WHERE? but I stopped myself "is that all Violet?" I nod my head as he smiles at me and gives me a kiss on my forehead "your sister is fine and what I said on your wedding day was just for you to go through with the wedding and not get cold feet like your sister and run away" he gives me the most fakest smile ever and walks out of the office leaving the door open. He's not telling me something and I can sense it.

I wheel myself outside of the office and head towards the sitting room when I hear my mother's voice "what did you tell her?" she hisses at my father "enough for her to know Elizabeth, stop making it obvious and do something useful for once" he grits out "our daughter's life is at risk, we love her but we have to warn her as well, it seems as if Dante is starting to fall for her, if he does than I know he will look after her" my mother buts in "then he won't let his parents do this to her, after all I think he is, he did get rid of Marco after what he did to Violet" she says "how do you know?" she sighs "Alberto told me" my dad bangs the table "you with him again!?" he growls out quietly. What the hell is going on!?

A few hours later

I've been sitting outside the past couple of hours and it's already 6 pm and I'm waiting for Dante, I messaged him and even called him but he never answer, I didn't want to see my mother's and father's face because it just angered me and I don't want to start a fight with them. I feel wet drops land on my hand as I look up and feel more, it was drizzling. I put my hand out and love the feel of rain on me, it's been so long since it rained.

I smile as I wheel myself in the open, I smile and look up with my hands open as I remember the time when Isabella and Anna got angry with me because I played in the rain and got sick afterwards, I'm the smallest and Anna is the biggest, Isabella is the second. I'm currently 20 and Isabella is 24 and Anna will be 26 but she went missing 4 years back.

My sister got pregnant by my dads so-called rival business partners son and she never wanted to give the baby up, my dad said if she keeps it, it will be a threat to our family so my sister decided to run away but soon after my dad sent people to look for her but they never found her.

My dad never tell my mother or the family, but I did find out when I eavesdropped on him and his men one day  "you going to get sick" I look up and see Dante leaning on the pole under the shelter "I love the rain" I say as I stretch my arms up "wheel yourself back here, I'm not coming in the rain" I laugh at him "you not going to melt!" I scream at him as I hear thunder, he looks up at the sky "get here now, Violet" I shake my head no "have some fun for once, Dante" I smile at him "loosen up! Come here" he shakes his head no and mutters something to himself "please come here now Violet," I think of a plan to get him here and a quick idea comes to my mind but I will get hurt but let's give it a try.

I stand up and put pressure on my leg and immediately regret it as I slip and as I'm about to fall backwards "VIOLET!" his arms wrap around my waist as I look at him, he is breathing heavy, his face blocks the rain from hitting into my eyes, I can feel his deep breaths on my lips as I see his eyes slip from my eyes to my lips and the rain gets heavier, I decide to break the silence "we should get back inside" I say softly but he ignores me, I'm about to say it again but instantly shut up when his lips make contact with mine. I stay still for a few minutes, shocked at what is happening as he moves his soft lips over mine. Should I kiss back? Without hesitation I kiss him back, after all, I'm not doing something wrong because he is my husband, we move our lips in sync as the rain falls, he slips his hand tightly around my waist as I grab his hair "Dante" he pulls away and turns around, forgetting about me, I fall right on my wheelchair "ouch!" I look up and see Dante running up to Veronica. What was she doing here? She has tears running down her face as Dante grabs her face but she pulls away "I trusted you, Dante! And now you go and have a make-out session with this whore! Do I not matter to you? I'm busy sitting in the car waiting for you but you do this! " she screams at him as she tries to walk away but Dante grabs her hand but she pulls it and walks away, Dante runs after her.
Leaving me alone in the rain.

I thought he was at a meeting but he had Veronica in his car.


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