Chapter 14

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Violets mother 'Elizabeth' 👆

I still can't believe it, I sit in my room thinking about what happened earlier and what I've seen. After I found out that Dante Romano, my arranged husband is a Mafia leader, he came out of the bathroom with a first aid kit and fixed the wound his mother caused. They having dinner downstairs, the maid has come to give me dinner but I sent it back down with her because I'm not in the mood of eating.

Thinking back to earlier, I just don't get it, if he is in a mafia and that's his business than why will my parents get me married to him for 'business'. Was my family also in it? Was dad also a mafia leader? Or did Dante have another business? I shiver as I look at the wheelchair that is next to the bed, I swing my legs out of the bed and hold onto the bedside drawer to get onto the wheelchair, once I'm on it I wheel myself to the window and stare outside. What has my life come too? Why can't I just have a good day for once?

The door opens as I spin myself to see who's behind me, once I'm facing the door I see my mother standing there with a glass of wine, she closes the door and pulls out her phone "what are you doing here mum?"

She doesn't reply so I was going to ask her again but quickly shut up when she turns her phone towards me and shows me a picture of Isabella tied to a chair and she had blood on her face and her face was bruised up bad "what the fuck?!" the next thing I know her hand makes contact with my face "watch your language young lady! If you don't stop acting like a little slut and making drama, we will stop hurting Isabella and your soon to be niece or nephew" I look down and tears fall "why are you doing this?" she laughs and bends her body front, she looks at me with tears in her eyes "you have no idea" she holds onto my wheelchair and pushes it back "do what they want, obey them" she lowers her head "goodbye Violet" once she closes the door, I cry as I think about how my life has changed within seconds.

I wheel myself again to the bed and get in and fall off to sleep in the same clothes.

The next morning

I just had a bath with the help of the maids. Dante called them down for some important meeting or something. Currently, I am sitting on the bed with only a towel on and it's quite cold in here plus it's raining today.

I look at the time and see it's being an hour since they left and none of them came back, I press the buzzer on the wall to call Lily but after a while, no one comes "Violet you need to....." I look up and see Dante standing there with the door open looking at me "get ready because I need to drop you off at your parents" he is about to walk away but I call out for him "Wait Dante!" he turns around and looks at me "yes" I fiddle with the end of the towel "can you send one of the maids to come help me dress because I can't put pressure on my legs, remember" he looks at me with realization and then frowns "I gave them the rest of the day off, they won't be back till tomorrow" I frown at him "is there anyone else who can help me?" he shakes his head no and walks inside my walk-in closet "what are you doing?" I call out, he ignores me and disappears in my closet after a while he comes out with a set of clothing "I will help you" he says, I press my towel towards me body "no! I can't allow you to" I look down embarrassed "I'm the only person here right now, unless you want to go with a towel to your parent's house" he waits for a reply from me, I nod as he takes out my underwear and I blush at how embarrassing this is, he bends down to my legs and pulls it up "I will help you stand up so you can put it on and I will turn the other way" I nod, he lifts me up and I quickly pull it up while he looks away "are you done?" I blush "yes I am, you can put me down" he puts me on the bed and gives me my bra and top "put these on and I will be back to help with your shorts and shoes" I nod, he walks to the door but I quickly stop him "wait" he turns around again "WHAT!!" He yells as I shiver "why are we going to my parent's house?" I ask him quietly "you going, I'm just dropping you off, I have a meeting about the business and it's in the house, I don't want you here"

I nod, a bit hurt with him not wanting me here but whatever. He walks out but I quickly think back to what he said 'business' does he mean the mafia? I pull on my bra and top on and wait for him to help me with my jeans, he comes after a few minutes and helps me with my shorts, since I can't wear jeans or leggings, he then puts me on the wheelchair.

He pushes me to the other side of the house "where are you taking me?" he doesn't reply but opens the last door and goes inside as I see an elevator come in site "oh" I sigh. I never know they have an elevator, we take it down and it comes to the end of the first-floor hall, he pushes me towards the garage and helps me get into the car and puts my wheelchair in the boot and gets in.

Currently, we drove to my parent's house as I think of what my mother said yesterday "can't I just stay in the house locked in a room or something?" he shakes his head no as I huff and look out of the window.

I don't want to see my parents again after what happened the past few days, when I see them I only think about Isabella, maybe I can ask them where is she? and how is she? but I'm afraid if I push it with them, they might do something horrible.

What has my life come too?

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