Chapter 43

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Violet 👆

I sit in the car as we drive for breakfast, after hearing that I'm pregnant I got an ultrasound and Anna is thrilled but I know Dante is hiding his anger.

I fiddle with my fingers I lean my head on the seat, moments later we arrive. Anna continues talking about pregnancy and about having kids. I just put on a fake smile and we sit down and look through the menu. We order our food and I look at Dante, his eyes were only glued to the table as he never once looks at me.

"What do you want?" my head snaps to Anna as she smiles brightly at me "huh?" I question her as I never exactly hear what she said: "Do you want a boy or girl?" I feel sweat dripping down my back but I pull out my hoodie and leave my plain white top on "are you okay?" Adam asks me as I nod "just feeling hot" he nods "answer me, Violet!" Anna whines as I just relax back "honestly I don't know. I mean I still have to process this" Adam tells Anna to calm down while I laugh, Dante's phone rings as he walks out of the restaurant "Mama is Aunty Violet having a baby?" Daisy questions I smile and Anna nods "yes baby. Soon you will have a cousin to play with" Daisy and Caroline smile as the food comes and all of a sudden I don't want to eat "I'm not hungry" I push the food away from me and Anna stares at me "you eating for two Violet. It's not healthy if you don't eat"

I shake my head "when I look at the food I'm feeling nauseous" she nods. I get up and walk outside, I see Dante leaning on the car, looking down "Dante" I call out to him as he lifts his head and I see his eyes sparkle. Was he crying?

"Yes Violet?" he stands up straight and looks at me "Are you okay?" I question him as he nods "we going for Isabella tonight" he says shock overcomes me" you found her!?" I yell as I smile and grab his shoulders "yes. I was right, she's in the Russian base" I nod and hug him "thanks" he wraps his hand around me so  I snuggle into him "no problem love" my cheek heats up and I pull away and he looks down at my tummy "you're pregnant?" I gulp as I just turn around but he grabs my arm "we need to speak about this Violet"

I turn and face him "what do you want to talk about?" I fold my arms as I wait for the response 'this is not my child' but he just smiles and sets a hand on my belly "I'm happy that you're pregnant" my eyes widen as I stare at him. He bends down and kisses my tummy "what!?" he laughs as he holds my hand "I always wanted kids"

I look at our hands "it's not safe you know" I blurt out, he looks at me "what's not safe?" he pulls me and leans on the car "having a baby while you in the mafia" I see Dante's eyes turn glossy again but it quickly changes "this child will be the next mafia leader" he says. My hands drop, my mouth wide open as I feel anger radiate from within me.

My hand flies across Dante's face as my breathing comes out heavy "you think that I want my child in the MAFIA!? Are you insane!? You want your child to be brought up you were! Well I'm sorry Dante but I will not allow that!!" he just stares at me but I hear the door of the restaurant open.

Anna and Adam walk out with the kids behind them "guys we got your food to go. Is it fine?" Anna holds up a packet, as I nod "where are we off to now?" Anna questions as we settle in the car. I sit in the back with Anna and the kids "home. I know where Isabella is, we attacking tonight"

I frown and look at him "isn't that too fast?" he shakes his head "but do you even have a plan?" he just sighs "yes Violet I got a plan." I nod and we arrive home, I get out of the car and walk into the house. Ignoring everyone, I go into my room and shut the door I slide down the door as I pull my knees close to my body.

I cry as I shake violently, I get up and I throw the vase that sat on my table to the floor, the shattering glass flies everywhere as I scream and start hitting things down.

Banging sounds on my bedroom door as I sit on my bed, looking at the mess that I made "VIOLET!!" I ignore the calls I just stare out of space. I can't do this. My mind is just filled with too much at the moment and I just can't think straight. I lay in bed while I hear the banging on my door getting louder "leave!" I yell as the banging stops, after a while I hear a soft knock "Violet" my head snaps up as I sit up and stare at the door "open up" I walk to the door while crashing some glass pieces underneath my shoes.

I pull the door open and I come face to face with Dante, his eyes were red as my eyes widen "are you okay?" I grab onto him and pull him near me. I put my hand on his face as I feel it wet. WHAT!?

His hands wrap around me pulling me close to him, I see Anna and Adam in the side. She smiles at me and pulls Adam away with her "I'm sorry" Dante says as I lift my head up to look at him "I'm sorry for everything" I pull him in the room, he shuts the door.

His eyes land on the mess on the floor but I just stand in front of him, staring into his beautiful hazel brown eyes "I'm sorry for everything. I caused you the most pain in your life Violet, I never mean too. The day that I heard that I'm going to marry you, I was angry and shocked because I never really wanted anyone else but Isabella and that's why I got Veronica so she could be my distraction. When I married you, I hated you. I regret everything, I abused you, I was cruel to you. I never pay attention to you or how you felt when I treated you like nothing" tears drop as he lifts his hand and wipes the tears away "you thought me a lot Violet, knowing and unknowingly. No apology of mine can take away the stuff that I've done to you. You're one of a kind Violet, the day that we made love, I did it willingly because you made me fall for you Violet, you made me realize something about life. You always never gave up no matter what, you always stood your ground, you are strong and you are beautiful inside and out"

I stare at him everything is processing "I love you Violet Romano and I'm proud to say you are my wife" his lips lands on mine. I drag my fingers in his hair as I feel him hold onto me as if he is going to lose me "I will love you till my last breath and I will love this precious little bundle of joy" he bends down and looks at my tummy.

"Even though you not showing I can't be happier" he places a hand on my tummy as I smile, he stands up and looks at me "I love you too Mr Dante Romano" he laughs but he picks me up and I giggle as he carries me out of the room.

After all, things do change.

I look at him smiling, maybe this marriage won't be bad after all.

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