Chapter 25

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Dante 👆

"WHAT KIND OF HUMAN ARE YOU!!!??" I yell as I storm into the dining room, walking straight to Dante as he stands up "What?" he asks confused "YOU ARE A MONSTER. YOU HAVE NO HEART WHAT SO EVER. YOU ARE RUTHLESS AND I AM ASHAMED TO BE MARRIED TO YOU...." he cuts me off by slamming me against the wall "who the fuck you think you talking to!!?" he Screams as he digs his nails into my skin "that's all you say. You think so highly of yourself. You are disgusting" his hand lands on my cheek as my head snaps to the other side "HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME" he yells as he grabs my neck and presses. Tears form in my eyes as I could not breathe "Dante leave her alone!! Let go, Dante!" Jason Screams as he tries pulling Dante off me but Dante does not barge. I start seeing black "kill... Me....i can't live... With someone... Like you" I squeeze the words out as he let's go and grabs my hair and yanks it back "you bitch!!" he grabs my hand and drags me up the stairs as I see Jason running behind us.

Dante throws me inside our room as he locks the door, I sit on the floor as I look down "Don't you ever fucking disrespect me, Violet, I mean it" he says as he starts taking deep breaths. I look at him as tears fall "just let me go please Dante. You can live with Veronica and I can live my own life" I cry as he stares down at me. His eyes go red as he grabs me and pushes me against a wall "I HAD ENOUGH WITH YOUR SHIT PERRA!!" He Screams and walks towards me and puts both hands on either side of me "just stop! I try being nice! Don't push me" he says as he starts calming down. But my mind wonders to the poor girls that he sold "you are disgusting" I say as I spit on his face.

The next thing that happened is something I won't forget ever. His fist connects with my left cheek as I fall onto the bed "PERRA!!" he starts taking one of his belts that were lying on the bed but Jason runs through the glass doors and pushes Dante away from me.

Jason grabs me and runs out the bedroom door as I look back and see Dante storming towards us. Jason pushes a door open and locks it and puts me on the bed, he starts pushing things by the door as Dante keeps banging on the door and screaming. Everything Jason put by the door, Dantes bangs were dropping it "Just fucking leave for now man. Leave the girl to calm down. Go clam yourself as well" Jason yells, Dante bangs the door again but he finally leaves "hey are you okay?" Jason says as he sits next to me but I flinch away. He curses under his breath "your mouth is cracked open can I just wipe the blood out and see if you okay" I nod as he gets a first aid kit and sits down in front of me.

He cleans all my wounds and sets me on the bed with a blanket over me "rest violet. I will be back to check on you and the door will be locked" I smile as I thank him and he walks out. I put my head on the pillow and watch how the calm waves surfaced in and out.

My eyes closed as sleep overcomes me.

A few hours later

I sit up as I feel sweat all over me, I throw the blanket off me and run to open the glass doors which lead to the beach. The nightmare of Anna came back. I sit on the stairs that were leading to the sand. Tears fall as memories rush to my brains

"dad leave her alone!!" I push him away as his eyes are only glued at Anna "step aside Violet!!" he yells as he pushes me away as I fall to the floor  "Isabella!" I scream out for her as I hear her running "what's going on!?" she questions as she looks down at me. I cry as I point to Anna's room "shit" she curses and runs inside the room. I get up from the floor as I storm into the room and see dad grabbing Anna by her neck "you are a disgrace to this family. You are a whore" he yells as Isabella tries to take his hands away from Anna's neck. Anna was turning blue as I look in shock, I turn to my right and see a bat. I pick it up as I hit my dad on the head but not hard enough for him to bleed but hard enough for him to fall unconscious "you need to leave!" I yell as I look at Anna "she's right Anna. You need to get as far as possible" Isabella says.

After 4 years I will never forget that day. I look at the beach and see Dante standing there, he looked like he was in a daze. He looked at nothing specific but I could see he was thinking hard. I stand up but winch. After this marriage, my body is in marks and my heart keeps all the horrible things that are being said to me.

I walk towards him, I stand by his side as I look at him. He still seems to be in a daze "Dante" I call out to him but his still lost in his thoughts. I put my hand on his shoulder as he snaps his head towards me "Violet" the way he said my name made me think 'does he feel sorry for what he did?'

I move my hand away from his shoulder as he looks away from me and stares at the beach "are you okay?" I ask him in concern. He stares at me in disbelief as I frown "what?" I ask him confused "I literally abused you physically like a few hours ago and you ask me if I'm okay," he says as he shakes his head "you need to toughen up Violet. You are a mafia leaders wife" he says as he crosses his arms in his chest "it's not about always being tough Dante, it's about feelings as well. I know that this marriage was a business deal and I think the business must have to be some mafia thing but we both know that I was not the one supposed to marry you but my sister was. She got cold feet the last minute because she was scared of what you would have done to her... All the bruises and marks...." he cuts me off by laughing.

"your sister being scared! That woman cheated on me after I admitted my feelings for her"

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