Chapter 26

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Veronica 👆

I stare at him in shock "you lying!" I yell as I see him stare at me "your sister and I knew each other for long Violet before our parents decided to get us married. I never told my father about Isabella because when I grew up my father taught me to treat women like they are gum underneath my shoe. He abused my mother and treated her like she was worthless, he would embarrass her in front of the mafia and people will laugh at her. I would try to help her when he hit her but he would push me away and tell me to man up. Eventually, he killed her" I was about to stop him but he carried on "my dad than remarried, so Giulia is my stepmother. Since his old now he does not go extreme with her but he does abuse her mostly verbally. When I was 14 I met your sister Isabella, I would share my problems with her and tell her all about the mafia but then my mother died when I turned 15 and I became unknown to the world, I went to school and came back home and stayed in my room for days until my dad dragged me out and taught me about the mafia business telling me that I will have to run it one day, he made me watch how he raped women, how he killed people and how he tortured them in the basement. I grew up with violence, he made me believe that you women are nothing but slaves and it's our responsibility to treat you'll like dogs. At the age of 16, I got into the business, I took over my dad. I killed ever since I tortured ever since and then I hated women and I just used them for one thing. The next morning I will make them feel like shit and throw them out of the room with nothing. At the age of 19, my dad told me about his rivals which were your father's mafia. The Blood Brothers. I decided I could attack you'll but I decided to wait for another year so when I turned 20 I attacked but your father stopped me saying that we can make peace but no mafia makes peace with each other if there is no blood in either mafia so he handed me the hands of Isabella, I never agree but my dad said that I needed a wife. Every mafia leader has one and he told me not to treat her with respect and treat her like she was gum underneath my shoe. So our marriage was fixed. Isabella and I were getting married."

He breathes in and looks at me "she never loved me but after the 2 years, we spent together as each other's fiance's I started loving her and I have no clue why. We made love one night. I still remember how she lied and said she loves me. She cheated on me with Andrei. The guy you met at the racing, I caught them together when I came to your house one day. You'll go for a holiday or something and she stayed back" I think back to when my dad took us to Spain because he had some business which I presume is mafia business but Isabella said she will stay back "I caught them in bed together. Days after she came to see me and my anger got the best of me and I backhanded her and grabbed her wrist leaving a mark but she already had bruises on her so I never cause all of them" I stare at him in shock but I knew that he could not be lying because why would he lie "then when did Veronica come in?" I question him as he laughs "I got her after Isabella left. Isabella broke it off with me long before she could tell you'll. Long before the marriage as well. I'm 25 now Violet, she broke it like 1 year back. I think she must have been with Andrei"

I sit on the sand as I put my head in my hands "so if she broke it off with you a long time ago then why was the marriage still taking place?" I ask him as he sits next to me "your parents never know about our break up neither did my father. They still thought we were going to get married. I never told my father about it because I knew he would of either kidnapped Isabella and forced her to get married to me. When the week of the wedding came, Isabella phoned me and told me that she will handle everything out" I feel tears forming. That means she is not pregnant with Dantes child "I believed her but I never knew her plan was to lie that I abused her every day" he shakes his head as my tears drop "she's pregnant" I say as I start crying, I pull my knees close to my body as I bow my head in shame. I was wrong and accused Dante of something he never did. It was all Isabella. How could she do this!?

"what?" Dante asks shocked as I continue crying "the day she told us you hit her and she does not want to get married to you... I took her to her room to pack because my parents wanted her out of the house and she then told me that she and you did it willingly and she is pregnant" I cry as I wipe them quickly away and look at him "so I was helping her run away to another country because... Once when my dad found out that Anna was pregnant he wanted her to kill the child but Isabella and I helped her run away and up till now I don't know where she is" I sob as I look down "Anna is your big sister right" Dante says as I nod "how do you know?" I see a small smile tug on his lips "I know everything sweetheart"

We sit in silence as I lean my head on my shoulder "I apologize" I look at him confused "what?" I question as he sighs "I apologize for what I did earlier" I laugh as he growls "you can't say sorry can you" I ask him as he shakes his head no "its easy you know" I tell him but he sighs "I grew up to be a man with no feelings please accept that" I nod as I think about what Jason said earlier "why do you sell girls?" I ask him as he just stares out "it's mafia business. Every mafia does it" he says "you can be different from Dante. Imagine all the girls lives you ruining" I plead to him but I could see he was getting angry

"I grew up to be a monster. I'm ruthless and I don't care about people. Love is something I don't believe in now and never will. My life belongs to the mafia. Family or not"

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