Chapter 16

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Dante has left with Veronica, my mother is annoyed with me for making Dante angry  "Elizabeth! Stop screaming and listen..." my dad screamed but she storms out of the room not before glaring at me. Why the hell does everyone hate me!? My dad turns around apologizing and telling me his going to bed, I look at the time to see its 10pm. I will leave once they've fallen asleep. I look at the small frame that is sitting at the fireplace, it was of all three of us, Isabella, Anna and I. I smile and pick the photo up and stuff it in my bag.

A few hours later

It was now after 12am and my parents are sleeping, I take out my phone and call a cab. I collect all my things and go outside, after a few minutes the cab arrives and the driver helps me inside the car and puts my wheelchair away. I tell him where to go and he drives off.

I look outside and see the dead quite roads, I remember when Anna got in trouble because she went to a party and she came back just after 12. I smile as I remember how she use to lie to our parents and make them believe her, she was a rebel.

The cab stops in front of the gates as the driver helps me out and puts me on the wheelchair, I pay him and he drives off. I wheel myself but it was quite hard to do so because it was a gravel road. I see the sensor there and I realize I don't know the code, I hurriedly take out my phone and call Dante but it goes on voice mail, I ring him up again and still no answer after a few hours I look at the time and see it's 2:27 in the morning and it is getting cold, I wrap my arms around my body to create heat.

I call Dante again but he doesn't answer "what are you doing?" I turn around in shock as I put my hand on my heart "what the hell!?" I scream out in fear, I look at Dante, he stood there sweaty with his hair messy and his wearing full black "what are you doing out here so late!?" he yells, I look at his hand and see a gun, not any small gun but a huge one, I shiver as I recall what I read about the mafia, his eyes follows mine and he notices where my gaze is "I asked you a question Violet, what are you doing here?" he puts the gun slightly behind his back as I look up at him "you left me at my parents house and so I took a cab here but got stuck outside because I don't know the code" I say "let's get you inside" I nod as he enters the code and pushes me inside as the gate closes behind us than I realize something, how did he come without his car? I turn to him "where were you?" he shakes his head "you don't need to know that" I sigh "than how did you come home?" I see the house come in view "my friend dropped me off now quiet with the questions" I nod my head as he takes me inside the house, and goes to the lift and he takes me to my bedroom "I'm going to take a bath and go to sleep afterwards" I nod but as he leaves I realize that I need help changing and the maids are off today so I wheel myself to his bedroom. Without knocking I enter the room as I see no one on the bed so I wheel myself to the bathroom because I could not hear the shower on "Dante..... " but shut up after I see him sitting on the toilet seat with his shirt off and blood oozing out of his side as I see a bullet wound "OMW!!!" I scream as he glares at me in shock as he rushes to close the door but I push my wheelchair in "get out violet!!" he yells "no let me help you!!" I yell back at him "fucking move" he tries to push me out but I hit my leg on the wall "shit!!" I scream as I hold onto my leg "fuck! Are you okay?!" Dante bends down to check my leg but I look at him and see blood oozing out more "No! Stand up!" I pull me him but he looks at me weird "you bleeding more when you bend. Please let me help you" I look down as I fiddle with my top "I can do it myself violet go to bed" I glare at him angry "I want to help you and I will help you. You don't always get to have a say so fucking sit down and let me help you!"

He sighs and gets the first aid kit and sits on the bed "you know you don't have to do this" he says but I shake my head no "but I want to" he leans back so I can see his wound, I wipe his wound with alcohol as he grabs onto my hand tightly as he was in pain, I don't complain but he was hurting me and I know after this there will be a bruise.

Once he calmed down I took a twizer and pulled the bullet out but I was quite hard because it was deep inside. I knew how to do all this because once my best friend Daniel got shot in a robbery and he would have died but I saved his life. I pulled it out and put it on a tissue and wiped all the blood that was on his stomach, I took out a gauze and placed it on the wound and badged his wound with his help.

"all done" I look at him as he stares down at me "thank you Violet" he gives me a small smile as I smile back at him. I look down at my hands and see it's messed with blood "Um. Dante can you just help me wash my hands please?" he gets up and takes me to his bathroom and I wash my hands. I look in the mirror and see Dante leaning on the wall observing me "is something wrong?" I ask him as he looks at me "no... Just wondering how you never ask any questions" I guess I should let him know that I know "because I know why you got shot, Dante. I'm not stupid" I wheel myself around as I stare at him "what do you mean?" he stands up straight as he folds his arms together.

"I know you in a mafia Dante" he glares at me with curiosity "you out of your mind," he says shaking his head "don't make me look stupid Dante. I know that you in a mafia well not in a mafia but the mafia boss and don't think that you can lie to me" he throws his head back and claps his hands "okay than Violet you know the truth so what?" I shake my head "Dante I was just letting you know. You don't have to act like a jerk now if you don't mind please help me change and the maids are off"

He nods and walks out of the bathroom "Dante where are you...." he turns back "wait here" I nod and wait for him.

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