Chapter 49

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1 and a half month later

Dante's POV

My alarm goes on as I switch it off and get out of bed. I look at the date and see it's the 22nd of September and Violet is not back as yet. It's been a month and a half and I got no calls or a return of her, I try calling her every day but still no answer.

I get into the shower and my mind wonders to Violet. Is she okay? When will she be returning? I miss her, realizing what life is without the person you love, it messes you up.

Anna and Adam have been there for me through the ups and downs when I went into a state when I needed Violet, Anna use to help me through it and Adam will take me out so I could cool down.

I had told Isabella about Violet and on the day I left the room when Violet asked me if I still love Isabella. Isabella then left because when she asked me if I loved her anymore I said no. I'm in love with the women I married, the women who are carrying my 5-month-old baby. I smile as I think about how far in her pregnancy she is, today would be the day she turns 5 months.

I get ready as I go downstairs for breakfast. I see Jason and Lily as I smile and think of Violet, how we would have been having good times if she was here. Yes, I wronged her in many ways and I wouldn't ever forgive myself for what I have done.

I've put her through enough but eventually I fell for the women I never thought I'll fall for "My man" Jason puts his hand on my shoulder as I sit down, Abigail starts serving breakfast "she has not come back as yet" I say as Jason looks at me "have faith, Dante,. She will come back...." he gets cut off as a plate goes flying to the ground with all the food on it. Abigail stands there shocked as she starts bending down to pick it up  "Stop Abigail" she starts crying as she keeps saying sorry.

I stand up and go to her, I put a hand on her shoulder as I look at her "it's fine, I'll help you clean it up but you go and order food okay" she looks at me in shock as I smile at her. She smiles back and puts her hand on my face "you really do love her hey" I nod as she smiles "she loves you more then you think. She will be back Sir" I stop her as I tell her to call me Dante, she nods as she goes to order food.

I get the dustpan and broom as I sweep the dirt into the dustpan, I throw it in the bin and as I turn around, Jason smiles "she really changed you hey" I laugh as I think of her "yes and for the better"

I go to my room and put the beds as I take my phone and call her again but still no answer "I'm waiting for you Violet" I throw my phone on the bed as I walk back downstairs "Uncle Dante" Daisy yells as she runs into me "What happened little one?" I bend down as she smiles at me "Caroline and I are playing hide and seek and I need a good hiding place" I laugh as she fumbles with some of her words, I pick her up as I walk upstairs to my room "you stay in here okay" she smiles as she runs behind my clothes in the walk-in closet.

I shut the door as I think how fun it would be to have my own little one running around the house. I miss you Violet "please come back to me" I whisper as I walk out of the room.

Violets POV

I lay in bed as my phone starts ringing, I knew it was Dante. He calls every day since the time I left and even though I don't answer, he still calls. I sit up as I lean my back onto the bed rest, my tummy has grown bigger and now I'm currently 5 months pregnant. When I got to Spain, I decided to stay with my aunt and when I explained to her why I don't want my parents to know she understood and told me that I could stay as long as I want.

I stand up as I go to the kitchen to eat breakfast "Hello Aunt Maria" I greet her as I kiss her cheek and take a seat "how are you feeling my darling?" she asks concerned because recently I've been getting bad morning sickness so she took me to the doctor's for a check-up and they said the baby is healthy but I just need more rest and no stress.

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