Chapter 46

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Veronica 👆

"Please take care of Dante and don't get hurt... Please" tears escape my eyes "My love, I will try my best, I can't promise but I want you to stay safe okay and don't stress about me. I love you Violet" he grabs my face and places a kiss on my lips in the act of wiping my tears "I love you too Dante"

I grab onto his hands as he pulls away " I need to leave now darling" he kisses my head and walks out of the house. I fear that I might lose him after I just gained him "Hey, Violet. Don't worry, he will be fine. Dante is a strong man" Jason says, he hugs me. I cry in his arms as Dante's car drives off. "What if something happens Jason?" he leads me to the sitting room "nothing will happen. Don't worry and Dante has met with him and they will do anything to save Dante"

We sit on the couch I see Lily standing in the corner and Jason wraps his arms around Lily's waist "What!?" I stare at them in shock, Jason just laughs "Mrs Romano I want you to meet my beautiful girlfriend" he kisses her cheeks as I jump up "OH MY WORD IM SO HAPPY FOR Y'ALL" I run and hug Lily and smile at Jason "you better look after her or else I would chop your manhood and shove it up your nose" I smile innocently at him but his face goes red "Damn Violet..... Don't need to be so Violent" I laugh as Lily smiles and hits his head "I'll do the same thing don't worry" we laugh as my mind goes back to Dante. I hope he is okay, I check the time on my phone and see it's already after 8 so they will arrive anytime soon to the base "I'll be back" I say, I walk outside the house and call Dante.

He picks up on the second ring "Babe you okay?" he asks worried as I smile "Yes Dante  I'm okay. Are you?" I say "Yes my love. We just arrived at the base and we just setting up" I sigh "Please be careful Dante. Your baby and I want you home safe and sound and I mean it" I hear noises as he swears "what happened?" I ask worried while I bit my lip "nothing Love, I almost fell" I laugh as I hear him growl "Babe I will be fine, you don't stress. Stress is not good for the baby and you know that plus I made an appointment for you next week just to check if everything is alright with our baby"

I smile and I hear him talking to someone "Love I'll talk to you later. Andrei just arrived. I love you my angel" I sigh "I love you too Dante. Please be careful" I sit on the stairs, I hear him mumble  "I will my love".

The call gets cut as I put my head in my hands "Violet" I look up and see Veronica standing there in tears "What?" I stand up and take in her appearance, she has dark circles around her eyes, her eyes were red from crying and she has a long Grey dress on and for the first time, she looks decent.

"I'm sorry" she cries even more. She falls to the ground, I rush to her side while I hold her "what happened Veronica?" I ask worried "I'm sorry for treating you the way I did. It was wrong for me to be with a man who is married and I've sinned so much" she cries more as I make her stand up and I take her to my room. I make her sit on the bed as I give her tissues for her to wipe her tears.

"Dante and I were friends because our fathers were partners in the mafia and I really liked him, so when Dante decided he needed a fuck buddy, I took the opportunity without even thinking. I thought he will like me afterwards, I thought he likes girls who are loose. I thought that I could make him fall for me but I got so obsessed with him that even when he got married I never wanted to leave him".

She busts into more tears "it's fine Veronica. Yes, I can't easily forgive you but it's fine, I will try to forgive you but I won't forget. I just hope everything is sorted out between Dante and you" she nods as she wipes her tears away "I understand you can't forgive me and that's fine. I'm sorry though and yes he told me to leave so I will be leaving don't worry. But I just could not leave without apologizing" I nod as she stands up, "I'm leaving now. I'm going to Canada for some time" she smiles "I'm sorry Violet and thank you" she hugs me and I hug her back "when you do come back from Canada please do visit" she smiles and takes out something from her bag and puts it in my hand. It was wrapped up in a nice black and gold gift wrap and had a ribbon, she hands me a small book "this is a gift from me for you and Dante since I never get anything for the wedding" she smiles.

I thank her as she says her final goodbye and I leave her outside as she gets into the car and waves at me. I wave back as the car takes off.

I yawn and walk inside the house and shut the door, I go up to my room and shut the door, I open the gift  I find a card wishing us a happy marriage and she got me a novel with jewellery and Dante a watch. I smile and put the gifts on the side table, I open the book and my eyes get glued to the words...... Did she write a message for me?

I start reading as tears spill. My mind gets clogged up as I hold the book to my chest. She is so right.

Hey Violet and Dante. I want to say sorry for all the shit I put y'all through, you know a relationship will never be real if there is no ups and downs. The first time I've seen you, Violet, you where such beautiful women and I knew Dante will one day fall for you. Your strong and capable of many things and Dante needs a woman like that. Yes I loved Dante but no more, it won't be easy to let Dante go but I will come to terms of letting go. I'm sorry for being such a pest in your relationship. Y'all deserve each other, you'll make a perfect couple and Violet trust me when I say I've never seen Dante look at another woman the way he does at you. I never met Isabella but I know if he did really love her, he would have not fell for you and sorry to say that Dante, but that's true.

I hope that the future for Y'all and your child will be perfect, Y'all deserve the best and Dante, do what Violet wants....try to leave the mafia. And don't let anyone get in between Y'all, you'll fight for the love y'all have.

Once I'm back from Canada I want to see your beautiful child and BTW I hope it's a girl. I love both of y'all and wish y'all luck for the future. Goodbye.

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