Chapter 2

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"You may now kiss the bride

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"You may now kiss the bride." The priest announces as I feel tears fall, I am now Mrs. Violet Romano - I am now a wife. Dante grabs my waist and pulls me close as I feel his lips hover above my cheek, not even touching it and just in a second he pulls away from me and walks down the alter all by himself.

"Honey, you need to go get ready for the reception now. Go to the hotel with Dante and get changed as I got the driver to drop of your dress over there." My mother smiles at me and gives me a small side hug as she then walks away towards her group of friends.

I walk towards the exit alone with a wide range of thoughts running through my head. Once I reach the outside of the hall, a car speeds right past me almost knocking me over in the process. I look up, ready to give the driver a full mouth of insults but find Dante's eyes looking directly at me from the side mirror.

Well, my husband just almost ran me over on our wedding day.

"Andrew!" I call out to the driver standing by the fountain, I actually know Andrew quite well because he use to be Isabelle's driver when she use to be escorted to the Romano residents. He waves and walks towards me, "Hello, Mrs. Romano, how may I help you?" I shiver at the name I now go by, "Please call me Violet and I need you to take me to Blue Waters hotel to get ready for the reception."

I smile at him as he bows and gets the car. I sit in the back of the limo and peer out of the window thinking, "What the hell happened to my life?" After a 10 minute drive, Andrew stops in front of the Blue Waters hotel, "Please do wait for me, I will be back in an hour or less." He nods with a smile and drives off to park the car.

I enter the hotel and check in with the receptionist for the honeymoon suite that my parents booked for us. She smiles and congratulates me before she goes back to her work. I walk towards the elevator and wait.

I take this time to look around and notice how modern and smart this hotel is, the walls are a light shade of grey and the windows and doors were all made up of glass, the couches in the corner for the waiting room are cream and black in color. It was absolutely stunning.

The elevator dings and my gaze falls on the doors. A family walks out and I give them a smile, they look down at my wedding dress and smiles back, "Congratulations!" I thank them and walk into the elevator, I press floor 5 as the elevator door closes. I lean on the wall and sigh.l, I am married now.

The elevator opens again and I walk out, I look at my room card and see the room number, 128.

I walk down the hall searching for the room; I turn to my right and see room 115. I continue down the hall and finally, I arrive at room 128.

I swipe the card in the scanner and the door unlocks, I push it open and a bed comes in view. I open the door wider as I see red roses decorating the bed with a neatly ironed suit placed on top. He is here.

I walk towards my suitcase that is placed near a door that is slightly open "Ah!" My eyes widen when I see two bodies smashed against each other, completely naked and moving in sync together.

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