Chapter 11

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It has being over a hour and I've finished with the scans, I'm just waiting for the results to come and then I can go back home, I checked my phone and I have two miss calls from my mother, five miss calls from my father and a message from Dante. Dante wants to know where I am and why I'm taking my time, I never reply because I don't want to see my parents in the first place.

At the moment, I'm sitting in the waiting room, waiting for the results "Violet Romano!" I look up to see a nurse, I stand up and walk towards her "the doctor will like to see you now" I nod my head as I follow her to the doctor's rooms.

I open the door as I see Doctor Cole sitting on his chair while typing something on his laptop "hey" I say as he looks up and smiles "Miss Violet! How are you feeling?" I take a seat as he sits back and relaxs on his chair "I'm doing good, after you're given me the medication and drips, the pain is not as bad as before" he smiles, he stands up and sits on his desk next to me "so, the scans came back and it's not as bad as I thought it was, nothing is broken and everything in fine with your bones but there is a problem with your blood circulation and your vains" he takes a hold of my hands as I feel a bit uncomfortable "the blue marks on your back is all the vains that are popping out and also your blood circulation is not very good on your back and I can't seem to understand why because you did tell me you only fell but what you have is like you're been on a cold floor for hours" I look down as I recall the time I slept on the floor and the time I fainted and stayed the whole night outside "nothing serious, but you need to stop stressing, relax and take care of yourself and I've written some medication for you and also I see that you have a a burn on your hand that is healing but I also put in an ointment for that. I've noticed another thing, have you been eating properly lately?"

I look up and smile "yes I have, I don't go a day without having food" I'm lying but I could see he is suspicious about something "okay then, tonight after dinner take the medication that I subscribed for you and here is my number if you speak about anything" I look down as he hands me a piece of paper? Don't doctors give cards? he smiles and walks away. I look at the paper and see his phone number scribbled with a little message at the bottom 'call me' he put a winky face after that.

I stare at the page shocked as I think about him, this is wrong, I'm married. But I never stop him when he said Miss and not Mrs, I sigh as I decide maybe I should call him and get to know him, I mean Dante won't care since he has a girlfriend of his own and he did tell me before to stay out of his way. I walk out of the hospital after paying and collecting my medications. I take a scroll towards the bus station that's 5 minutes away from the hospital. I sit on the bench and wait for the bus. I take out my phone to see Dante phoning.

I decide not to answer it but he calls again, this time I pick it up "hello" I hear heavy breathing from the other side "Where the hell are you!?" he shouts, I pull the phone away from my ears and see people stare at me weirdly "Violet! I'm speaking to you! Where the hell are you!?" I cut the call as I get disappointed looks from the people around me, I look down, standing up and walking away.

I take out my cell phone from my pocket and ring up Dante "what the hell is wrong with you!?" I scream at him "don't you scream at me you ungrateful woman-" I cut him off before he continues "you are an embarrassment Dante. An embarrassment! To be honest I wonder how the hell your girlfriend puts up with your shit because you are a disgrace to humanity!" I scream, I come onto an empty street "don't you dare raise your voice at me! Our parents are waiting for you and we been calling you and messaging you but you don't answer and then you cut the call on-" I turn to my right to see if the road is clear, I see that no cars are coming so I start walking "you are one cruel, heartless person and you know, I was at the hospital! No doctor will take such a short time to do tests and stuff but one thing about you is you are a Big Fat ASSHOLE!"

"you fucking bitch....." but I don't hear the rest as I see a car coming with full speed towards me and the last thing I remember is Marco's face.

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