Chapter 44

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Abigail 👆

"We going to be attacking in every entrance of the base," Dante says, he stands by his desk. All the mafia members are gathered in his office and I sat in the corner of the room listening to his plans to get Isabella back "you'll be assigned to each entrance. Jason will hand out which entrance each of you'll be assigned to" Dante says as Jason picks up some papers and walks around giving it to everyone.

Anna stood near Adam, Adam said that he will help and Anna agreed. I look at Dante as I see him staring at me, he winks at me as I just laugh and look around "once we attack all the guards, we go through. Once we inside I want y'all to kill anyone that belongs to the Russian mafia. NO SYMPATHY AT ALL! DO Y'ALL UNDERSTAND ME!!!?" he yells at everyone.

He stands up straight and walks in front of his desk" Lorenzo lead all of them to the basement for weapons" Lorenzo nods as everyone empties the room "Adam you can go as well" Dante laughs as Adam stands there awkwardly "Jason take Adam with you"  Jason leads Adam out as I hear both of them making a conversation while they walk out.

"I'll be in my room," Anna says as she smiles and leaves, hands wrap around my waist. I look back and smile at Dante "you will be staying back here in the house okay" Dante says as I nod "Jason and some of my men will be home so don't worry you will be safe okay"

I turn around and face him "please be careful Dante. Please" I say as worry overcomes me "I will be fine angel" he hugs me and I hug back. It is around 2 in the afternoon and they were going to be leaving at 9 because that's when Andrei will be at the base.

Dante pulls me out of the office and leads me to his room. We lay in bed as he wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him "I love you Violet" I smile and my eyes closed while he rubs my head.

3 hours later

I sit up in shock I hear noises coming from the bathroom, I stand up and look to my side but Dante is not there. The bathroom door opens and Dante walks out as I see the bathroom in a mess "what happened?" I question him as he looks at me. His face was red, he has a towel draped around his waist "nothing" he says but he goes redder. He just growls and walks into the closet.

I walk into the bathroom and quickly hold on to the door. Water is all over the floor, the shower head was broken as it lay on the floor gushing water everywhere.

I walk to the closet as I see Dante putting on a black V neck t-shirt, he wore black jeans and black boots "did you fall in the bathroom?" I ask him as I try to hold in my laughter "no" he curtly replies. I start laughing, I hold onto my knees and laugh even harder "ohm...... My..... God" he walks towards me and grabs my arms and pulls towards him "you laughing at me huh?" he smirks as I just smile "yep I am" I start laughing again as he pushes me onto the door "must I teach you a lesson huh?" he smirks while his hands trail down my body as I just stare at him "maybe I should" he says as his hands go under my arms and he starts tickling me.

I start throwing myself everywhere as I scream "STOP DANTE!!!" I yell as I start hitting him, I fall to the floor but he gets on top of me and starts tickling me again. My hands fly everywhere as I hit him in the face "HELP ME!!!!" I scream I start kicking Dante.

The door to the walk-in closet flies open as I stop screaming and Dante stops moving "WHAT THE HELL GUYS!?" Jason screams at us as he lowers his gun. Abigail stands behind him with a bat in her hands "Get off" I whisper to Dante "I got worried you know, when I heard Violet scream I thought something was happening" Jason sighs as I walk to him "awwww I'm sorry little one" I pat his head and he hisses at me.

I laugh and turn to Dante "This dog was irritating me by tickling me" I roll my eyes as I point at Dante. Dante looks past me at Jason as I see him smirk "What?" I question confused as I turn around I'm attacked by a pair of hands........ Jason had me screaming with laughter again.

I'm currently sitting on the lounge, I scroll through my messages, my friends have messaged but I ignored all of their messages but I will reply to them later "Hey aunty Violet" Caroline walks into the room as she sits next to me. I put my phone away and turn to face her "Hey little one. What you up to?" she crawls onto my lap "I'm bored" I laugh while I pull her hair into a pony because it was all over her face "what do you want to do?" I smile at her but she grins at me "let's play a game!" she yells and grabs my hand and drags me upstairs "What are you doing Carolina!?" I yell as I follow her.

She pulls me into Dante's room "why did you bring me here?" I bend down to her height as I question her. She smiles and pulls something from her small bag she was holding and puts it in my hands, I look at it and see a rose and on it was pinned a little note.

I unfold the note and read it ' follow the rules of the game stubborn one 😉' Dante's name is scribbled on the corner of the letter. I smile and look down but Caroline was not there anymore, on the bed there was a beautiful dress and heels, I walk to it and there was another note 'put this on and your next clue will be downstairs with Abigail'  I laugh as I do what the note says.

The dress fits me perfectly, I adore how it looks, I put on some makeup and put on the grey heels.

I look in the mirror and smile

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I look in the mirror and smile. I look beautiful, I walk downstairs and see Abigail sitting on the dining table "Hey Abigail" I wave at her while I walk inside the dining room "Hey Violet. You look beautiful" I smile and she hugs me "take this" she hands me another rose and another note was attached to it 'come out to the backyard my love'  I roll my eyes and laugh. He made it so cliche "you go enjoy Violet" Abigail hugs me again and walks away.

I go to the backyard and push open the door, roses were all over the ground and there were fairy lights everywhere. I smile as I take in the amazing view.

In the middle, there was a whole bunch of roses of all colours and another note 'turn around my love'

I spin around as I see Dante standing there with a black suit on as he has his hands stuffed in his pockets. I smile at him, I walk towards him "you look Amazing Violet" he holds my hand as I stare up at him "thank you" he shakes his head "No. I want to thank you for my love" he leans down and places a kiss on my lips and pulls away

"I love you Mrs Violet Romano!"

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