Chapter 35

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"Let's Dance!" Ava Screams as everyone stands up and goes onto the Dancefloor, I sit down with Dante as I laugh at them "their nice" Dante says as he sips onto his drink. I relax back as I nod "they are" I smile as he puts his glass on the black glass table and stands up and extends his right hand to me "Have this Dance with me" I stare at him in shock as he smirks down at me "come on" he grabs my hand as I stand up and we go onto the Dancefloor "you being really nice today" I tell him as he smirks down at me "and you look really sexy today" I blush as I look down.

The song high without your love plays as I smile "I love this song!" I jump up as I take Dantes hand in mines as I move to the beat. Dante stands awkwardly as I laugh "loosen up Dante" I yell as I spin around and sing towards the song "Damn you very hyperactive" I laugh as I throw my hands around his neck and sway to the beat "I love this Dante" it just slips out of my mouth as I stare at him as my eyes widen "I'm..... I'm sorry" I stutter as I look down embarrassed.

Dante lefts my chin and I stare at him "I'm... Sorry....." his lips smash against mine as I kiss back, he pulls me close to him as I run my hands through his soft hair. He kisses down my neck as I hold onto his hair and pull "Dante...." I moan as he licks my neck "let's get out of here"

He grabs my hand and we walk outside of the club after collecting our phones and we get into the car as Dante drives. We reach the beach house as he pulls me out of the car and starts kissing me as he leads me into the house, we get to the bedroom as he pushes me down and pulls out his T-shirt and stares down at me "like what you see" I blush as he pulls my heels out and starts kissing my legs towards my thighs.

Let's just say we did the deed that one amazing night.

Next morning

I open my eyes and I rub it to clear my vision but soon my hands stop and I see a chest. What? I sit up and see Dante as my mind wonders to last night "oh my word" I whisper as I get out of bed but immediately regret as pain shoots by my own region. I hiss as I sit down on the bed and cover myself with the bed sheet. I pick up Dantes T-shirt that's on the floor and put it on.

The bed moves as I look towards Dante and see him sitting up. He holds his head in his hand "Dante" I whisper as his head snaps towards my direction and his face turns into anger "you bitch!" he screams at me as I shiver back and stand up from the bed but hisses due to the pain "what is wrong with you Dante?" I ask him as he pulls his pants on and faces me "you such a whore honestly! I knew you will be easy to get into bed!" he starts laughing as tears fall and I stand there lost as I drop my head down and look at my feet "you will always be a whore Violet!" my head snaps to him as I fell anger radiate throughout my whole body as I storm up to him and slap him, hard.

His face flies to the side as I glare at him "you call me a whore when last night you took my virginity! You should be ashamed of yourself Dante! How the hell can a man be such a monster! God, sometimes I think you must be bipolar or something because your mood just changes!" tears fall as I grab his shoulders "WHY!? Just why Dante!? I do everything you want! I respect your decision and take all the shit that you give me! I suffer every day with your torment and every day I have to endure your bullshit! For once give me the respect that a woman needs!" I push him and his eyes go black as he grabs me and pushes me against the wall "women like you don't deserve respect" he hisses as he walks out of the bedroom as I slide onto the floor and lean my head front and cry.

I let him have his way with me, I let him hit me, I let him call me names, I let him push me around, I let him take the most important thing a women treasures her virginity.

How could I be fooled by his act? He's an evil man! I hear the front door bang shut as I hear an engine roar to life and speed out of the driveway.

He has no respect for me while I respect him. I accept how he is and I accept that his part of the Mafia but he still hates me and treats me as if I'm a dog. I stand up and walk into the bathroom, I turn the shower on as I take his shirt out and throw it on the floor, I get in the shower as I scrub my skin until it's red, trying to get his body off mine. I cry as I hold onto the shower walls.

Why do I care so much you ask? Its because I'm in love with him. It's not easy to not fall for someone like Dante Romano.
I sigh as I turn the shower off and wrap myself in a towel, I walk out of the bathroom and check the closet for a set of clothes. I sigh as I only find a dress that I forgot to pack when I was leaving. I put the dress on as I blow dry my hair and tie it in a bun. I slip on the red heels that I wore yesterday as I never have any other shoes.

I phone Abigail "hey Violet" she answers as I smile "hey Abigail

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I phone Abigail "hey Violet" she answers as I smile "hey Abigail. How are you?" she sighs "I'm okay just really tired" I laugh as I put the phone on speaker and put the beds "I need a favour, can you please get someone to fetch me?" I hear her mumble to someone as she replies to me "yep, he will fetch you but where are you?" I set the pillows on the bed as I pick my phone up "I'm at the beach house" she mumbles something to the person and she says bye as I cut the call.

I pick the white sheet up but see blood on it, tears fall as I regret giving my virginity to the one and only Dante Romano.

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