Chapter 24

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Jason 👆

I sit on the sand as the waves hit my feet, the water was cold, it was not a sunny day but it was not a rainy day as well. It was just perfect.

I woke up this morning and decided to go to the beach so here I am at 8 in the morning. I smile as I look up in the sky. How I miss the old days. I sigh as I stand up and walk into the water, the water was by my knees as I ran my hands in the water, it was so clear that I could see my feet "its early you know" I turn back in a shock as I put my hand on my chest, he scared me. Dante stood there with black sweatpants and no shirt as he had his hands folded on his bare chest "you gave me a shock!" I yell as I see him smirk. I roll my eyes as I ignore him "why you out so early?" he questions me as I walk towards him, I wore a white long shirt that was below my thighs and a bikini inside.

I smirk as I think of something, I walk pass Dante as he was about to look behind to see where I'm going as I push him in the water but he does not barge. I stare at him in shock. He's going to kill me, he turns to me and smirks "I think you forgot I'm a mafia leader I'm not so stupid" he laughs as I was about to run, hands grab my waist as I try kicking him but he drops me in the water.

I surface back up as I see him laughing, I stand up as I walk to him and close the gap in between us, he looks down at me as I see his body become stiff, I put my hand on his chest as he grabs it but I fall back, pulling him with me. I laugh as I see him fall straight into the water, water splashes everywhere as I laugh continuously "that was so funny!" I hold onto my stomach as I could not stop laughing. I look at him and see him glaring at me he storms towards me as I feel fear run through me, he stands right in front of me as I was about to step back I slip on a rock in the water and go front, I fall on Dante as he grips my waist as we both fall into the water. I cough as some water goes in my mouth. I look down as I see I was laying on top of Dante as he looks at me "I'm sorry" I say as I sit up but realize the position we were in was not pleasant. I blush as I'm about to get up but he grabs my waist and keeps me on him "what... Are doing?" I asked nervously as he lifts his head a bit and brushes his nose in the nip of my neck. I close my eyes as I his hands slip under my shirt as it rests on my bare back. He sits up and leans his head in my neck and kisses my neck.

I close my eyes and put my body weight on him, I put my hands on his chest as he moves my hair from my face "you're beautiful" he says as I see him smile, I blush as I look down and he smirks. He leans in and his lips meet mine. I smile as he closes the space between us, I run my fingers through his wet hair, he runs his hands up and down my back as I shiver at the coldness "Come on guys. Get a room" I jump back as I look back and see Jason. I stand up quickly as Dante glares at me and walks away. What the hell is wrong with him.

"he really has some issues!"Jason says as I walk out of the water " tell me about it" I sigh as I wrap my hands around me "let's get you inside," Jason says as we both walk to my room. I go straight to the bathroom but see the door locked "I'll see you downstairs. Abigail is making breakfast and tells Dante I left some files on the bed there" he points to where Dante sleeps and I see 3 files lying there. I nod my head as he walks out and closes the door behind him.

Dante walks out of the bathroom dressed in a navy blue t-shirt and black joggers. He glares at me as he sets his towels in the laundry basket "Jason left some files for you on the bed" I say as I walk to the closet to grab a pair of clothes "and he said to go down for breakfast" I walk inside the bathroom. After having a shower, I put on a black top with a beige long sleeve coat paired up with black ripped jeans and beige heel boots.

As I'm doing my makeup, I see a purple mark on my neck, I look closer as I see a hickey

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As I'm doing my makeup, I see a purple mark on my neck, I look closer as I see a hickey. My face turns off colour as I stare at it, I quickly take makeup and apply it over the mark, I hide it and put my hair down curly to cover it.

I sigh as I walk out of the bedroom and downstairs, I go into the kitchen and see everyone seated and having breakfast already, I see Veronica sitting next to Dante as both of them laugh and talk. The only empty space was next to one of Dantes mafia guys. I sit down and see Jason opposite me "you look nice" he says as he throws a fry at me. I growl and throw more at him, he looks at me shocked and then smirks. He starts eating as I eat some toast "we got a meeting at the main warehouse and an auction to handle" Dante says as everyone nods "what time is the auction?" the guy next to me asks Dante as Dante looks up at him "at 7 tonight so we got a lot of time to prepare" he says and looks at me than quickly back to Veronica.

What auction? I think as I look at Jason. I kick him under the table to get his attention, he looks up and frowns at me 'what auction?' I mount to him as his frown disappears as he has a nervous look on his face 'just selling things' he says back and gets back to eating. I roll my eyes as I kick him even harder "what the......." he shuts up quickly as he sees everyone looking "what happened?" Abigail asks, he shakes his head and glares at me.

I smirk as he stands up from his chair and walks around the table towards me, my eyes widen as he grabs my hand and pulls me away from the dining room "you fucking hit my nuts" he growls and falls to the floor faking pain, I roll my eyes "Now tell me what's the auction?" I ask as I sit on the couch "just some business Dante does that you will hate" he says as I give him a deadly stare "stop speaking in riddles" I yell at him.

He rolls his eyes and sits opposite me "in every mafia business, they sell weapons, drugs, information and girls. Weapons and drugs are shipped in containers and information is sold face to face but girls are sold in auctions" he says as he bows his head in shame. I stare past him as I recall what he said. Dante does human trafficking. I'm married to a man who sells women.

My anger surfaces as I stand up and match to the dining room as Jason calls out for me.

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