Chapter 22

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Dante is pissed at Jason and I, I jump out of the car as I laugh "how fun was that?" Jason laughs as he wraps an arm around my shoulder "did you see his face?" I laugh as I look at Dante, he growls and walks away from us. The whole ride Jason and I irritated Dante. I laugh as we walk towards a whole crowd of people "always stay by my side" Jason goes dead serious, I nod my head as he grabs his phone and starts doing something.

I look around as I see cars all lined up on the race tracks, guys stood with leather jackets and tattoos, girls hang around the guys and some of the girls were eyeing them, the guys were showing off their bikes as people cheered them and people stood with drinks in their hands as they danced to the music. But one person caught my eye, he stood in his leather jacket, leaning against a bike with his hands folded and he had his bottom lip in his mouth. He looks dangerous as he has a cigarette in his hand, he pulls the cigarette in his mouth and blows out smoke. Dante. I smile as I see how confident he looks, he spoke to some guys as he stares down at the tracking race "Dante is racing his enemy and his almost up" Jason says as he grabs my hand and leads me to where Dante stood. Dante looks up as I give him a smile, he ignores me and looks at Jason " I guess you found out who I'm racing with" Dante says as he blows out smoke, I cough as it gets into my throat. Why will he even smoke, it's dangerous for him "it's too dangerous Dante what if....." Jason gets cut off by Dante "I worked my ass to get the  Omerta to number one and my work never go in vain so I suggest you don't doubt me Jason" Dante says as he stands up straight and throws the cigarette on the floor "keep this" he takes out his leather jacket and puts it on me. I pull it closer as I feel cold "I'm leaving now" Dante says as he walks away to the racing tracks where the cars stood, one is a black and red Mustang and the other one is a black Corvette.

Dante gets in the black Corvette as the other guy gets in the black and red mustang. A girl stands in front of them and then the race begins, Dante kicks it as he races off first while the other guy was still behind him "will he be okay?" I ask Jason as I see his nervous face "honestly Violet, I know Dante is the number one mafia leader at the moment but the guy his racing against is a dirty racer" he looks down "let's just hopes he will be okay" I stare at Jason in shock as I walk closer to the racing track "Violet wait....!" Jason screams as I hurry in the crowd to the racing track "where are they!?" I question Jason "they taking the main road and then they will go on the train tracks and after that, they have to pass the city police station and back here" I look at him in shock. This is dangerous. What if Dante does not make it back here in one piece?

I start panicking as I grab Jason's arm "we need to go get him NOW!!" I yell as I stare at him "relax violet. We can't just go and get him. Let's just hope he makes it back and he is safe even if we go after them we won't be able to do anything" I sigh as he rests a hand on my shoulder "trust me, Violet, you just got to have faith" I nod as I wait nervously.

I look at my phone and see it's already been half an hour since they left "how long?" I ask Jason as he puts his phone in his pocket "I really don't know. It depends on the drivers" I nod as I yawn "must I take you home?" Jason asks as I shake my head "I'm fine" he smiles at me and gets back on his phone. I hear cars coming as I look at the racing tracks and push myself further to see if it was Dante "they here" Jason says as he also walks more front.

I see the black corvette approach as I smile. He's okay. He hits the gas as the car flies front and he speeds right past us and hits the finish line. The crowd goes wild as they all scream and jump to the victory of Dante. I leave Jason as I run to where Dante is.

He gets out of the car as I run straight to the racing tracks and fling myself onto him "what the...." he gets cut off "oh my word I can't believe you alright" Dante pushes me behind him "what do you want Andrei!?" I look up and see the guy Dante was racing with "just came to make a deal Dante" this Andrei guy says as he smirks and looks at me "I don't make deals and you know that!" Dante hisses as Andrei laughs and crosses his arms together "I see... This is your wife... The reason why my father is dead is all because of this whore" Andrei says as I look at him confused "what...?" Dante glares at me and tells me not to speak "your father was a dog for all I know and I bet he is rotting in hell by now" Dante laughs as Andrei goes red "I will take revenge, Dante! And it will be a time when you least expect it!" Andrei yells as he glares at me "how you took someone from my life. I will take someone from yours" Dante growls as I see Jason running from a distance. I grab onto Dantes T-shirt as he looks at me "go with Jason to the car" I nod as I was about to walk away, Andrei grabs my hand "watch your back sweetheart" he whispers as Dante grabs his hand and yanks it away from mine "leave her the fuck alone!" Dante Screams as I run to where Jason stood "let's go" Jason grabs my hand as I look back to see Dante fuming as he looks at Andrei.

We get to the car as Jason opens the door for me and I get in "will he be fine Jason?" Jason laughs as I look at him weirdly "he will be okay Violet. Relax. You really in love with him hey" my face goes red as I turn around and hit him "I don't love him, Jason!! Now shut up and act mature" I scream at him.

"I can see it in you, Violet. You falling for the mafia leader"

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