Chapter 47

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Isabella 👆

I snuggle into my soft pillow as I feel arms wrap around my body "Baby" I cuddle into the person as I try to go back to sleep "My love, wake up" my eyes snap open as I look at Dante.

I jump up and hug him "Are you okay?" I ask him worried, he smiles and wraps his arms around me "Yes I am, now come downstairs I want to show you something" I smile and he pulls me out of bed as I lean into him. He wraps his arms around my waist while we both walk downstairs "Did everything go as plan?" I ask him as I look up at him "yes. Everything went perfect, just some of my men got hurt but no one died so that's a score" I smile and he holds me tighter "Did you get Isabella?" I question as he just ignores me "Dante! I'm asking you a question" he still ignores me, I'm starting to get annoyed.

He pulls me into the sitting room and as I'm about to scream at him, my eyes land on a blonde girl that sits on the sofa while Anna has her wrapped up in her arms "Isabella" tears fall from my eyes as I run to her, she stands up as we both hug each other "Oh Isabella!" I cry as I hug her tighter "Are you okay?" I pull away, I scan her body to see any marks but my eyes land on her flat tummy "I lost my baby" She smiles and puts a hand on her tummy "but it's fine because I know that it's all god's plan" I pull her into another hug while we both sit down and Anna also hugs her "I missed you so much" Anna tells Isabella she wipes her tears and looks at Anna "Where have you been? Violet and I were scared that something has happened to you"

Anna shakes her head "you need to rest. After you rest and settle down we will talk about it okay" Anna kisses Isabella's head, I stand up with Isabella "Take her to my old room Anna" Anna nods and leads Isabella out of the sitting room but soon Isabella freezes when her eye's meets Dante's "Dante" she cries out, she runs and hugs him.

My heart breaks as I see him hug her as well and tears fall from his eyes, they both hold each other tight, I know I should not feel like this but Dante did love her in the past "Dante I'm so sorry" Isabella cries out as she holds both his hands "I'm sorry for leaving you. I'm sorry for abandoning our love" Anna looks at me as I just bow my head and walk out of the sitting room.

I can't just stand there seeing my sister hug my husband and confess about their love. I walk to our room as I shut the door and sit on the bed. I'm not being selfish, it's just that I know that feelings can always come back and plus Isabella doesn't know that I'm married to Dante since she disappeared before the wedding.

The door opens, I look up not before quickly wiping my tears "Adam" I say as he shuts the door and sits next to me "Anna told me to come check up on you because she's downstairs with Dante and Isabella" I sigh "They still talking?" I question "he loves you, you know. He won't leave you for her, I guess just because his seeing his first love so he forgot about you, you know" I laugh as Adam looks at me "you don't forget the person you currently in love with. That's bullshit"

Adam just stands up and puts his hand out, I look at him confused "let's go" he says "What?" he grabs my hand and pulls me to the walk in closet and takes my black jacket "you my sister and I need to make sure that you happy. I can't see my sister crying now can I? " I just smile and he hands me the jacket "put that on and I'll take you for ice cream. Come down when you done, I'll be waiting with the girls"

I pull the black jacket over my brown top and I put sneakers on. I tie my hair in a neat bun and I look in the mirror, I put a hand on my tummy and feel a small bump. I smile and check the time on my phone, my eyes widen as I see it's after 2 in the morning but I'm craving for ice cream anyways.

I go downstairs and see Daisy and Caroline standing next to Adam "You ready?" he asks as I nod "Where are they?" I question, I look at the empty sitting room "Dante took her to the room and Anna followed as well" he laughs as I know Anna doesn't want them alone.

We get into the car as I look at the 2 cuties "shouldn't they be in bed?" Daisy smiles at me wide "Daddy is hiding us from mum" my eyes widen as I look at Adam and hit his head "Are you mad?!" I yell at him as he fakes pain "they deserve ice cream" he grins as the girls clap their hands.

We arrive at the garage, we buy our ice cream and we head back home "Are you ready for a baby?" Adam asks as I nod "It won't be easy but I guess I will have to learn, hey" he nods, I look back and see the girls sleeping "you will be a great mother and if you need advice Anna and I are here for you okay?" I nod as I enter the code for the house and we drive inside. Adam parks the car we both get out and I take Daisy in my arms.

I cover her with the blanket that Adam hands me "just cover her head with the blanket because it's quite cold. Adam carries Caroline in his arms as we both walk into the house, I see Anna sitting on the couch with her head in her hands "What happened Anna?" I ask her Adam takes Daisy from my arms and walks up to their room "Dante is staying with her tonight".

I fist my hands as I take a seat "Why?" she holds my hand and I release my fist "she said she's scared and she wants to spend time with him" I look at Anna shocked, I just jump up from my seat ,"did he not tell her we married already!?" I yell Anna stands up and grabs my shoulders "Violet I know and I understand it's wrong. Just let's wait till tomorrow and we can tell her, you just go up there and maybe stay with Dante in her room"

I nod as we both walk upstairs and Anna hugs me goodnight, I walk to my room and change my clothes into a knee length silk black dress. I wrap a warm fuzzy gown around me and I walk to my old room where Isabella now sleeps.

I push the door open and see Dante and Isabella sitting on the bed, Isabella has Dante's hand in hers, she leans on his shoulder "Dante" I call out as his head snaps to my direction. He quickly moves away from Isabella as he smiles at me "Where have you been Violet?" he questions as I take a seat on the bed, looking at how close Dante and Isabella are sitting "I went out with Adam and the girls for ice cream"

He picks his phone up and checks the time "So late?" he questions as I nod "I needed space" he just glares at me and turns to Isabella "I missed you Violet" I nod and hug her as she hugs me back "I missed you too" I sigh "why don't you go sleep?" I ask her, I stand up and look at her "yeah I'm going to sleep just now. Dante and I were just catching up. I really missed him" she says, I mentally roll my eyes.

"You never even love him" the words just slip out of my mouth "Violet!" Dante yells at me "leave it Dante" Isabella grabs his hand as my anger gets the best of me "please stop touching him" my hands clutch as a fist as I grab her hand from his and pull it away "What's wrong with you Violet!?" Isabella yells at me "Just stop touching someone's husband" I tell her, she just stares at me confused.

"What do you mean?" she questions me but while I'm about to tell her, Dante grabs my hand and pulls me out of the room "What are you doing!?" I yell at him, he pulls us in our room and locks the door "Why did you do that!?" I scream at him tears fall, out of anger "What were you trying to do there Violet!?" he yells at me I poke his chest "Why don't you want me to tell her that I'm married to you!!?" he grabs my hand "She just got back Violet. Don't stress her out, she's been through enough already!"

I step back from him as I stare at him in disbelief "you don't want her to know do you?" I say as he looks down "Do you still love her Dante?" he turns his head away from me "I'm asking you something Dante! Do you still love her!?" I grab onto his shirt "Do you!?" he pulls away from me as he walks out of the door.

Leaving me there all alone with my thoughts and I think I got my answer from his reaction "he does still love her" I whisper.

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