Chapter 48

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I stand at the airport as I wipe the tears away. It's currently 5 in the morning, I receive a message from Anna. I open it and read it as I wipe the tears that fall from my eyes.

I'm leaving, I can't stay here anymore. It's too much, to come to terms that Dante did not answer my question and walked away, I think I got my answer because after all, actions speak louder than words.

Anna thinks I'm going to New York to stay with my friend Daniel, she never wanted me to leave at first but when I broke down she told me she's giving me a month and I have to come back but actually, I'm going to Spain and I don't plan on coming back ever.

I can't deal with all this pain, with our future unborn baby on the way I don't want to live with Dante if he is still in love with my sister. I pull my hoodie over my head as I put a hand on my tummy, it's all my fault that this child is not going to have a father.

Tears fall even more as I realize that my baby will never get to meet its father. All this marriage brought in my life was sin and ruin. I can't handle it anymore.

I shut my eyes as memories hit me of Dante and me, not only the good but the bad as well. I love him and I can't deny that but I just need to leave, I need to get out and live the life I deserve, be who I want to be and bring my baby up in a world that does not involve the mafia.

I run my fingers through my hair as I dig in my bag for a sweet or so but my hand comes into contact with a book, I pull the book out and see it's the book that Veronica gave me. My eyes widen as I remember what Veronica wrote 'don't ever let anyone get in between y' all. The announcement for my flight sounds on the intercom as I realize it's too late to turn back now.

I stand up as I pick my bags up and walk to the entrance of my flight, I hand my bags to the guards as they check through it "VIOLET!!" I hear my name as I turn around and look around to see where the voice came from. My eyes land on him "Dante" I whisper as tears flood my eyes again "Miss....." the guard is saying something but my mind is fixed on the guy that is trying to get through people "DON'T GO!!!" He yells as he pushes through everyone.

"Miss are you going through or not!?" the guard yells at me as he grabs my shoulder, I nod and take one more look at Dante and as tears fall, I try to stop myself from looking back. I walk away, hearing him scream for me breaks my heart but I need to do this.

Somewhere in my heart, I want him to stop me but I know that it's wrong, hand's wrap around my waist as they pull me into someone's chest "Don't go" he whispers in my ear as I take in his scent and voice.

"Don't leave me" he whispers again as he holds onto me tight "don't do this to me" I spin around as I see tears falling from his eyes "shhh don't cry," he says as he wipes my eyes "what are you doing here?" I question him as I pull away.

"Don't leave Violet...." I cut him off "why shouldn't I!? Huh? Why should I stay and take all the pain that you're causing me huh!? I'm tired of this Dante! I forgave you so many times but this time I'm just tired! Tired of you playing with my feelings! This is not only about me Dante but this is about our unborn child!" I scream at him as people walk past looking at us.

"Today when I asked you if you still loved Isabella you just left without answering me and Dante, I think we both know that action speaks louder than words" he puts his hand on my face as he grabs hold of my waist and pulls me close "yes I did love Isabella but she's my past. I'm living in the present now and I'm living with my wife. I'm sorry for what I did today, yes my apologies cannot always be acceptable and I understand that because I'm wrong. I treated you wrong for the past months we've been married. I love you Violet and I would not want to lose you, today yes when I saw Isabella, the old times came back BUT not the love, but the times when we were friends. I love you Violet and I know I love you because if I was still in love with Isabella I would have never fallen for you" he leans in as he kisses my head "I want you, Violet. I only want you, you are my love and our unborn baby has to have both parents please don't leave me" tears fall from his eyes as I just put my head down "I'm sorry Dante" I pull myself away from him as I turn to walk away.

"I'm giving you a month Violet!" he shouts as I stop and turn around "I'm giving you a month. I know you need your space but I need you to come back to me. I need to be part of our unborns child's life, Violet. I love you, we still married and I won't let you go so easily even if it means me moving the earth's to look for you. I will do it"

I cry as I run to him and hug him "I love you too Dante!" I cry out as he holds onto me as if he is going to lose me forever. The final announcement for my flight sounds as I pull away and wipe my tears, I grab hold of his hand and I smile at him "One month and I will be back. For this one month, sort yourself out and when I'm back, I want to see a change" he nods as he also smiles at me "will do Mrs Romano"

He leads me to the plane as the guards let him go through because of who he is "Be careful okay and don't get yourself in trouble and look after my little one okay" I nod as he bends down and kisses my stomach "You look after your mummy as well hey" I laugh as he caresses my cheek "promise me that you will come back" he says as I smile and grab his hand "I promise you, Dante,", he smiles as I hug him "I love you Dante" he runs his hand in my hair as I pull away "I love you too my love" he leans in as his lip touches mine.

I pull him closer as I run my hand through his soft brown hair, he rubs my back as he pulls me closer "I will always chase you Violet even it be if you are in another world. I will always chase you" he kisses my head as it was time for me to get on the plane.

He peaks my lip one more time as I walk away from him, tears fall freely from my eyes as I take my seat on the plane. I look out of the window and see him standing there, for the first time Dante looks broken and with him looking broken, it broke me as well.

I wave at him as he just bows his head and I know he is crying. The plane starts to take off as I look at him one more time, he lifts his head and looks at me as well 'I love you' he mouths as I smile.

I will be back Dante. For you and our unborn child.

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