Chapter 39

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One of Andrei's men falls as more of them fall straight to the floor dead. Dante takes this opportunity and pounces on Andrei, Dante punches him as Andrei's knees Dante "Violet let's go!" I turn to my right and see JASON. I run up to him as he hugs me "let's go!" he grabs my hand but I pull back "we can't leave Dante" I look back as I see them fighting and more men coming "We need to go NOW!" Jason pulls me as we run upstairs and towards Dantes office, we go in and he shuts the door "are you okay?" Jason asks me as I nod and hug him "Where have you been!?" I yell at him as he smiles "I was out of the country for some mafia business" I nod as we both sit down "is he going to be fine?" I question Jason, he nods and puts a hand on my shoulder "don't worry Violet. He's going to be fine, Dante is one of a kind" he laughs as I rest my head back, I was not feeling well.

"Violet. Are you sure you okay?" I nod as I close my eyes and open it "I'm just not feeling too good" he looks at my body "did you get hurt anywhere?" he starts panicking as I laugh "calm down. I'm not hurt" he nods and he frowns "you gained weight" I groan "shut up!" he pokes my stomach as I hit his hand away but I see his eyes widen "ARE YOU PREGNANT!!!!???" it feels like my eyes came out of its sockets "are you insane!?" I yell at him.

"Violet! I know what a pregnant woman looks like and how her stomach feels, my sister was pregnant" I roll my eyes as I kick him "I'm not pregnant now shut up" I close my eyes as I relax. I was so tired and I have no clue why "pregnant women also sleep a lot" he laughs as I shut him out and sleep overtakes me knowing that Dante will be okay.

The next day
Dantes pov

I come out of the shower and wrap a towel around my waist, I wipe my hair and walk out of the bathroom. I look into the bed as I see Violet grab onto a pillow and snuggle into it.

Yesterday I lost a lot of men, the Russians somehow knew how to access the codes and they planned an attack that nobody knew. I sigh as I hit into the closet door, for the first time, I lost a war. Andrei's men shot me in the arm and they fled.

I put on a white V neck shirt and black joggers. Once Violet made me wear the black shorts and she told me I need to change my dressing, I went shopping and bought casual clothes. Most of my closet consists of suits.

I leave my hair messy and I put on shoes, I walk out of the closet and see Violet sitting up on the bed with her head in her hands, last night once Demonic fixed my wounds, I went to my office and found Violet and Jason asleep on my couch, so I carried her to my room and got Jason up to go to bed.

"you okay?" I ask her as she looks up at me and nods "just got a headache. How are you? What happened yesterday? Did you get hurt?" she stands up and walks to me. I nod as my eyes land on her tummy, was she gaining weight? "I'm fine, we lost a lot of men yesterday. Your father got shot in the leg but we fixed it and your parents left after last night's attack" her eyes land on my arm "you got shot" she says as she grabs my arm and looks at it "you have to change it. It's wet" she pulls me onto the bed and gets the first aid kit, she helps me change my bandage and puts everything away.

"thank you," I tell her as she stares at me and nods "no problem" she walks out of the room and I get up to go to Jason's room.

I push his door open and see him snoring on the bed, I roll my eyes and hit him "wake up!" he groans at me and turns the other side "Jason!" he throws a pillow at me "Go away, Dante!" I push him out of the bed and he falls onto the floor "WHAT THE FUCK MATE!!?" He yells as he stands up but gets tangled up in the sheets and falls again. I smirk as he growls and stands up "what do you want?!" he shouts at me "I'm holding a meeting now with the mafia and I need someone at Romano's industry so I need you to be there while I host the meeting" he nods as I walk out of the room.

I go downstairs and tell Abigail to notify everyone that there is a meeting and everyone needs to be in my office.
I go upstairs to Violets room and see her getting ready. She wore a brown dress and her hair was in a pony as she opens it, her long brown hair falls on her back in curls "Violet" she turns around and looks at me "yes Dante" I walk closer as I lean on the wall next to her "there is a meeting in my office and you need to be there" she nods and says "Now?" I nod as she adjusts her dress and she walks out with me following behind her.

I open the door to my office and everyone goes quiet

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I open the door to my office and everyone goes quiet. Not everyone could fit in the room so some of them stood near my desk and close to the walls. I sit down as I ask Abigail if everyone is here, she nods.

Violet's, pov

Dante sits down on his desk as he asks Abigail something and she nods, I stand next to the door as Dante looks at everyone "last night, we have lost a lot of men and I give my respect out to them. The Russians have planned this without any of us knowing and they also knew the codes and access to the house. The only solution is that someone here is working for them. We have a person working on the inside and to be honest I don't trust no one in this room at the very moment"

Everybody starts whispering and Dante bangs the table and stands up "this mafia has to be for years Number 1 and with one of you'll backstabbing the Omerta Brothers and sisters. When I find out who has done this, I TAKE MY WORD WHEN I SAY! I WILL KILL YOU"

Everybody looks at Dante in fear as his eyes go black "we are going to make an attack on the Russians very soon so we need to plan. I will let you'll know what needs to be done but for now, we need to tighten up the security and guards around the house" he walks out of the room as everyone else follows.

I go to my room as I hear my phone start ringing, it was an unknown number. I answer the call "Hello" I wait for a reply but I hear nothing as I'm about to hang up, I hear a voice "Anna" I whisper as tears fall.

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