Chapter 8

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Dante Romano - Played by Stephen James

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Dante Romano - Played by Stephen James.

"What are you doing here?" I question him taking a few steps back. What the hell is he doing in the ladies restroom.

"I couldn't help but notice how beautiful you look, and how that dress fits perfectly on that sexy curvy body of yours." He starts walking towards me as I step back once again but soon hit onto a wall, as I'm about to move he traps me with both of his hands on either side of my body.

"No baby, don't think you can escape from me so easily." He whispers while brushing his fingers on my face, I aggressively hit his hand away and shove him off but I get a physical response from him, "Don't you dare fucking reject me!" He screams and raises his hand to slap me but I immediately grab it letting adrenaline get the best of me, "Don't you dare touch me!" He uses his other hand and grabs a hold onto my hair, yanking it backwards, "Now-" His eyes run down my body as he kicks his lips, "I'm going to show you what daddy does to naughty girls."

I cringe at his words but my eyes immediately widen when I see him unzipping his pants while he uses his one hand to capture my hands above my head and the other starts to pull my dress up, "Leave me alone you asshole! HELP ME!" I scream as loud as I can but he puts one of his hands on my mouth but I continue to put up a fight. Then I remember where every man's weakness is.

I lift my left leg up and knee him in his manhood, "Son of a bitch!" He cries out in pain and falls onto his knees, holding onto his manhood. I rush towards the door, unlock it and pull it open, running down the hall I scream for help but a hand covers my mouth before I can do so. A person walk right past us but he was too busy paying attention to his phone - curse modern technology.

"You not going to be able to walk once I'm done with you, you little slut." He drags me towards the corner of the hallway and pushes me against the wall. I try everything kicking, biting and even punching but he never stops, he knees me in the stomach and starts kissing my neck. He has one hand over my mouth and he got my back pressed hard against my hands. I scream but it gets muffled. He puts his hand under my dress and pulls my underwear down while pulling his pants down but he is soon pulled away from me.


My legs feel weak and I feel like I am about to tumble at any given moment, where Marco kneed me hurts really bad. I watch as Dante punches him and shoves him against a wall, roughly. "You fucking dirty pig!" Dante shouts out, Marco tries to push him away but Dante is much more stronger and taller, "You bastard!" I see people rushing to the commotion once Dante reaches out and pulls out a GUN. My eyes widen as I see him point it at Marco. Oh no!

I push myself off the wall but immediately fall flat onto the ground, I cry out in pain but I look towards Dante to find him staring at me. He looks up and sees the people coming and he quickly tucks his gun away and bends down and knocks out Marco before coming to my side. "Violet? Are you okay?" I nod my head as he looks down at my body, "Did he-?" He asks while looking down at me to see if something is wrong, "No." I shake my head, knowing exactly where his question was going. "He just kneed my stomach quite hard, it hurts." He nods as he slips his hands under my waist and legs once he lifts me up, I grab onto his white button up shirt, crying out in pain.

He walks us both through the back door and walks towards where the car is parked, "I'm going to drop you home and come back to the restaurant since I didn't finish off my meal." A tear slips from my eyes but I quickly wipe it off, I can't show him my weak side. His been so harsh even though I was almost... I can't even bring myself to say it.

He stops by the car and puts me down I lean on the car for support as he takes the keys out of his back pocket and opens the car. He goes towards his driver's seat and I open the passenger door to get it. I wince in pain once I seat myself into the car properly.

He starts the car and we drive off, "Alberto, I am on my way home to drop off my wife since she is not feeling well. Don't worry about Marco he said he needs to run home because something came up with his wife." I look up at Dante as he spoke. Is Marco married? That makes him such a psycho. I wipe a tear that slips out and I catch Dante looking at me, "I'll talk to you later Alberto, I'm driving now." He hangs up and concentrates on driving. Why does he call his dad by his name? Do they not share a good relationship?

We drive towards the entrance of the house, he enters the code and the gates open. He drives along the gravel road as I hold onto my stomach as it starts to ache. My vision begins to blur but I rest my head against the seat, "You can get out now." I look up at him but his all blur although I did hear what he said, I try to open the door but I can't find the handle because everything is so damn blur and frustrating, "Are you fucking blind?" He leans over me and slams the door open, "GET OUT!" He shouts.

I lean out and put my both feet on the ground. My vision starts to clear as I step out of the car and as I'm about to thank him he shuts the door and drives off. He saves me and then acts like he was the one who almost got raped.

My vision gets blur once again as I try to grip onto something but everything goes black, I drop to the ground with one thought in my head, nobody is going to find me out here until Dante gets homebecause he did give all the maids off today.

My vision gets blur once again as I try to grip onto something but everything goes black, I drop to the ground with one thought in my head, nobody is going to find me out here until Dante gets homebecause he did give all the maids off today

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