Chapter 23

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Violet 👆

I sit in our room as I look outside, thinking about today and what Jason said. Was I really falling in love with Dante?

I mean I don't think so since I still kind of hate him because of what he does to me. A knock sounds on my bedroom door as I stand up to go get it, I open it and see Abigail. I smile as she hugs me "how are you Violet?" she asks as I tell her to come in the room, we both sit on the bed "I'm okay Abigail and how are you?" she smiles "I'm doing good. How is your burn?" she looks worried as I look down at my hand, the burn was healing and it never look so bad "it's healing Abigail and it's not as bad as before" she smiles as she looks around the room "this is beautiful" she says with glimmer in her eyes. I laugh as she stands up and looks outside "such a beautiful view" she says as I smile but then a frown comes onto my face when I see Veronica enter the room "where's Dante?" she questions as she glares at me "I don't know maybe downstairs" she rolls her eyes and as she is about to walk out of the room, Dante walks in "oh baby I was looking for you!" God, she sounds so fake. I roll my eyes as I see Abigail still looking outside, I walk up to her as I put a hand on a shoulder she turns around with tears in eyes "what happened, Abigail!?" I ask her as she hugs me and cries "Abigail what happened?" I see Dante looking at us from a corner but he walks into the bathroom and shuts the door.

I bring Abigail to the bed and see Veronica is not here anymore "it's okay Abigail. What happened?" I ask her as she cries more "it's just that I miss her" I stare at her confused "miss who?" I ask as she wipes her tears and puts her hand on mine "my daughter" she smiles as I see her thinking "she loves the beach, she always used to enjoy going early mornings to the beach and she would spend the whole day there. When she came home she will have gifts in her hand for me and sometimes she will take pictures and show me. I had a fear of water that's why I never went to the beach until the day she focused on me to come with her and she promised she will protect me. She made me conquer my fears violet. But then Dean had some business with the mafia and he eventually joined hands with the mafia and he wanted me to move with him, I never wanted to go but he focused me and told me if I never join then the mafia will kill our daughter. So I listened to him but I never know he wanted me to be their slave" she cries again as I hold her "don't stress Abigail" I calm her down as I see her smile "she must be grown up and maybe married with kids" I smile as she also smiles "do you know where she is by any chance?" I ask her as I see the bathroom door open and Dante walks out "No I don't" she shakes her head as my eyes glue on Dante "I'm going to leave now violet" she says as she walks out of the room and closes the door.

"what you did today was dangerous" I say as I bow my head, I hear him laugh as he walks towards me and sits on the bed, he was only wearing a towel around his waist "I do worst than that sweetheart" he says as he lifts my head up holding onto my chin "you don't know half the things I do" I shake my head and pull away "what if I... Had lost you?" I say without knowing. My eyes widen as I cover my mouth, he smirks as he leans towards me "I know you falling for me Violet" he sings in my ear as I jump out of the bed and turn away "I will never fall for you" I say as I hid my face "you thought you will lose me today, you cared for me so that means you have feelings for me" he says as he stands up and grabs onto my waist "I'm just waiting for the time you admit to me that you falling for me" he smirks as I throw my head back "I will never fall for you. EVER. I will never fall for a beast like you" I growl out as I see him go red "shut the fuck up" he slams my back into the wall as I stare at him in shock.

He bangs both his hands near my head, sealing me inside "you have no right to speak to me like that Violet" he says in a deep low tone, I glare at him as I try to walk away but he traps me inside "when I speak to you, you reply UNDERSTAND!" he yells as I just stare at the ground.

One minute he's nice and then the next his a monster. It's like he's bipolar. I push him away as he does not barge "let me go!" I yell as I push his arms away but he still stays stiff. I try to bend down and go but he blocks me "why are you so stubborn!" I yell at him as I pull onto my hair, I was getting frustrated and angry.

He moves as he runs a hand in his hair and walks into the closet. I sigh as I lay on the bed. I'm tired of him screaming at me, I'm tired of him acting as if I'm nothing but a piece of gum stuck under his shoe and I'm tired of him being rude and stuck up. I pull the covers over my body as I turn and face the wall.

'Life is hard' I remember once Anna told me and she smiled and put a book in my hand 'when you sad, write your feelings down. It will help'

I smile as I think of the book she gave me, I still have it and I remember how everytime when I was feeling down I use to write my feelings down. We will see each other again Anna.

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