Chapter 21

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Violet 👆

"dad you can't do this to Anna!" I yell at my dad as I see Anna sitting hopelessly on the couch "you have no say in this Violet so shut up!" my dad Screams at me as he grabs Anna by her hand and yanks her up from the couch "dad let go you hurting me!!" Anna screams as she tries to remove his hand. Isabella runs into the room as she pushs dad away "lever her alone!! You have no right to decide what she does with the baby!!" Isabella holds Anna in her arms as dad fumes up "step away Isabella before I do something I regret" I stand in front of both my sisters "Isabella take Anna to her room" I say as dad glares at me. Isabella grabs Anna and rushes out of the living room "you will regret this Violet"

I stare outside as I see it's dark already and all of them are coming back now. I see Dante walking towards the glass doors as he walks up the stairs, he pushs his hair out of his face. He opens the door and walks in "I need to go somewhere and you coming with me so get ready and wear black" he walks into the bathroom but I quickly rush and push the door before he closes it "what?" he questions annoyed "where are we going?" I ask him curiously "mafia business" he shuts the door as I stand there shocked.

He wants me to come with him to some mafia business thing. I sigh as I go into the closet. I pick out a black sleeveless top with a black ripped jeans with fish net inside and black heel boots. I do my make up and wait for Dante.

Dante walks out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his lower body and another towel around his neck

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Dante walks out of the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his lower body and another towel around his neck. His hair drips with water as he wipes it with the towel, he looks at me as I quickly turn away "has your mother not taught you not to stare at someone. It's rude" he smirks as he laughs and walks into the closet.

I switch on my phone as I see messages from my friends. I reply to them quickly and put my phone away when I see Dante walk out of the closet. Shit. He looks good. He wore a black V-neck with black jeans and boots and he wore a leather jacket. His hair was messy as he stood there adjusting his jacket "we may leave now"

I nod as I stand up and he walks to put on his Armani watch "can you just fetch my keys from the bed side table" he points as I walk to get the audi car keys. I grab it and hand it over to him. He nods at me "you look nice" I blush as I look down "carry this just in case" he hands me a gun as I look at him in fear "I'm not touching that Dante" he rolls his eyes "you need it for protection" he says as he tucks the gun behind my jeans "why are you taking me with you?" I question him as he tucks a gun behind his jeans and shoves 2 knifes in his boots "everything I do is for a reason Violet"
He picks up something from the drawer and pushes my hair behind my ear and places something inside my ear "keep this in your ear at all times Violet" I nod as he puts one in his "this is an ear piece. If we need to speak to each other we communicate through this"

I nod as I think about how dangerous is this going to be "Dante" he looks at me as he nods for me to carry on "how dangerous is this going to be?" I mumble as I look down, he lifts my chin up as I stare at him "I just need you there for now okay. It's just racing and some of my rivals are going to be there so I gave you the gun for protection when I'm not with you but Jason is coming so stick with him and everything is going to be fine" I nod as he sighs "nothing is going to happen to you Violet. Relax"

"are you going to be racing?" I question him as he nods "Normally I don't always do racing but today my main racer is not here so I'm taking over for tonight" I nod as he leads us outside of the room and we walk downstairs "my mate..... Dame don't you look good, beautiful" Jason says as he grabs my hand and kisses it, I laugh at him but Dante takes it serious and hits my hand aways from Jasons "watch what you doing Jason!"

I laugh as Jason smirks at him "someone is getting jealous hey" Jason laughs as Dante growls at him "let's just go!" he yells as we walk out and I get the smell of the beach water. The view is so beautiful, we walk to the car, Jason looks and me and smirks as we both yell "shot gun!!" I run as he was about to catch up but I quickly open the door and slip in and lock it.

I see Jason Making a fuss outside but Dante shuts him up as Jason gets in the back "you mean" I laugh as he crosses his hand and stares out of the window "God you like a child" I say as I look in the rear view mirror to see Jason stick his tongue out. I laugh as Dante sighs and starts the car "Jason you 23 not 3. Grow up" Dante says as he drives out of the drive in and onto the road.

I smile as I see Jason show him the middle finger and Dante glares at him "so fucking mature" Dante mumbles as Jason connects his phone at starts playing stranger things as Jason and I start singing along with the song.

Dante switches the radio off and gives us the death glare, I laugh as I see Jason mimicking dante's expression. Dante rolls his eyes but I see a small smile appear on his face.

His changing. Let's hope he stays this way. I smile as I turn the radio back on.

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