Chapter 18

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It felt like I was in Dantes office for hours, I hear gunshots and explosions take place as I sit in the corner of his office rocking back and forth, I was scared. This is the first time I am experiencing this.

I hear another explosion as the ground shakes and the parts of the ceiling started falling, the chandelier that Dante had placed in the middle of the room shutters as it falls on the white tiles. I stand up and back away into the wall, where is Dante? Is Dante okay? Is he hurt? Is anyone dead? I'm I going to die? Is Dante going to come to get me?

The door explodes as I scream and hide behind the desk, I keep quiet as I see 3 pairs of shoes walking into the room and none of them were Dantes "check all the drawers for the files" I see them rush into the drawers and they throw some files onto the floor "there is nothing here boss" I look under Dantes desk and see a gun before I could pull it out someone grabs onto my hair and pulls me up. I scream as I kick "BOSS I found her! I found Dantes Wife!" the guy holding me screams to his boss as I try to get out of his grip but he grabs my both hands and ties them behind me and sits me on the chair and ties my legs to the sides of the chair "wow! You are one beautiful lady" I look up and see a man in his mid-40s and he has such a thick accent. Is he the Russian mafia boss? He smiles down at me as I shiver away "Now now... You don't have to be scared unless you want to be naughty and I'll have to punish you" both of his men start laughing as he looks back and commands them to continue to search for some files.

He sits on the desk in front of me and takes out his gun and points it to my feet "Now I'm going to ask you some questions baby and you have to speak the truth or else..." he shots near my feet as I scream "I will fucking shot you" I nod my head as I hear more gunshots and I start smelling blood "is Dante okay?" I open my mouth without thinking looking directly at him, he smirks at me and laughs "baby your husband is a cunt he must be dead somewhere by now" I stare at him in shock but I know Dante must be still alive, it's just a gut feeling I have. He smirks and points the gun at my feet "Now let's get to my questions where did Dante keep the Transportation files?" oh hell no. His asking me questions about Dantes mafia which I have no clue about "I don't know anything about Dantes Mafia business, I don't deal with anything he does with the Mafia. I'm just his wife" I say with confidence.

He puts his gun on the desk and walks behind me and takes out a knife "what are you....?" before I could finish my sentence he cuts the strap of my top "what the fuck are you doing!?" I scream as my top in the front falls revealing my black bra "since you decided to lie I'm going to punish you in a different way" he slides his hand into my bra. I scream as I try to untie my hands, he presses hard against my breast. I scream for help but I doubt anyone can hear me because of how loud the gunshots are "now tell me where is Dante hiding the files?" he pinches me "I don't fucking know!!" I yell at him as both of his men turn and look at me as if I made the biggest mistake of my life the next thing I know he pulls my top out and slides his knife across my skin. I scream out in pain as I feel blood soak up on my shorts "don't ever fucking yell at me you whore!" tears fall as I whimper in pain. Where is Dante? Is he really dead? I start crying even more after thinking that. He pulls my shorts out but it stops by my feet because my feet were tied to the sides of Dantes office chair" time to show you who's Daddy" he cuts the ropes out and pushes me against the table and forces my hands down as he stands in between my legs and pushes his legs on mine to stop it from moving "GET AWAY FROM ME YOU SICK BASTARD!!" I scream as I try to kick him but he stands still "this would not be happening but you lied so you deserve this" he grips onto my underwear and yanks it down as I cry. I'm about to get raped and I'm hopeless, my body is bare as he stares down at me. I feel sick, I feel dirty, how can he be so horrible. I cry as I try to cover myself but he hits my hands away "time to have fun" he pulls his pants down and he opens my legs wider before he could do anything a bullet sounds throughout the office. I look at his face as he falls flat on me, I scream as I push him off me and jump off the table as I cover my body with my hands. I hide under the table as I here bullets fly across the room and people screaming, was Dante the one who killed him? I never even look at the person who saved me. I shiver as I wrap my arms around my body, I feel so worthless.

A hand lands on my shoulder as I push away and scream "Violet! It's me! VIOLET!" I look up and see Dante, I push myself out and grab onto him, I hug him as tears fall freely "why did you leave me!?" I yell as I cry onto his shoulder "why Dante!? Why!?" i grab onto his coat jacket as I feel his hands slowly wrap around my waist, I cry as I remove myself from him only to finally realize I was naked, I block myself with my hands but feel wet as my hands touch my body I look at my hands and see it messed with blood, I then look at Dante's coat and see full blood on it and then my eyes landed on the dead bodies in the room "oh my God" I walk back but hit a wall.

"Violet look at me" I still stare at the bodies as I see blood ooze out of the "Violet" I look at Dante as he pulls out his coat and wraps it around me and buttons it up as I hold it close to my body even though it was messed with blood "Violet I need to ask you a question" I nod my head as I look back at the bodies but he takes my chin in his hand and pulls my face to look at him "did he do anything to you?" I think back to how he touched me, tears fall as I lean back on the wall "Violet did he touch you?" I cry as I slip down the wall and put my head in my hands, I nod as he kneels down next to me "did he... Do it?" Dante had his teeth clutch together as I look up at him and see the anger on his face "no" he sighs in relief as he picks me up and I lean my head on his shoulder as he walks down the stairs I see blood everywhere, bodies laid on the floor with blood all around them, some looked like they were tortured and I notice some of Dantes men dead on the floor.

Dante walks out of the doors as I see a guy standing there with blood on his face and suit "how many survived?" Dante asks "most of us Boss except Alessandro, Mack and Ian" Dante nods as I feel sleepy, Dante lays be in the back and gets in the front "relax love, this ride is going to be long" he smiles at me as I return the smile back but sleep overcomes me.

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