Chapter 29

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Currently, I'm getting ready for bed as I see Dante walk inside the room, he looks at me and takes his black joggers and walks to the bathroom and shuts the door. I sit on the bed and pick up my phone, I see a message from my mother. I open it as it reads 'will be coming for dinner tomorrow' I reply with an okay and set my phone on the side table.

After I went outside, I stayed there until everything was over. The auction finished only at 11 and now it's just after 12. I put my head on the pillow and think about how the girls were getting sold. Tears fill my eyes as I close my eyes and I fall off to sleep.

Next morning

I'm in the kitchen as I'm cooking dinner for my parents. Everybody is off today so they not going to be in the house when my parents come, Dante asked Veronica if she could go back to her house just for tonight and he will pick her up in the morning but Veronica got pissed off and gave me the most deadly glare ever but soon she left due to Dante screaming at her. 

I'm making chicken Florentine Pasta and for dessert, I'm making chocolate triple layer mousse.

Dante left to do something quickly and he said he will be back, I put the chocolate mousse in the fridge and walk upstairs to get ready. I go into the closet and pull out my light purple top, black leggings with lace up at the bottom and my white and purple Adidas.
I take a shower and put my clothes on as I out my hair in half a pony. I don't put makeup as I hear the doorbell ring.

I jog down the stairs as I pull open the door and see my parents standing there "hello mum and dad" I smile, my dad hugs me and my mum just walks past "give her some time" my dad says as he walks away

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I jog down the stairs as I pull open the door and see my parents standing there "hello mum and dad" I smile, my dad hugs me and my mum just walks past "give her some time" my dad says as he walks away.

I shut the door as I lead them to the dining table "so what did you make for us today Violet?" my dad smiles as mum and him take a seat on the dining table "I made chicken pasta with a few side dishes and for dessert chocolate mousse" my mother scoffs as I look at her "I would have prefered to go to a restaurant" she rolls her eyes as tears start to form in my eyes but I quickly walk into the kitchen to get the food ready.

I walk into the dining room with the hot pasta in my hand as I see Dante sitting and talking to my dad. I lay the food on the table and Dante looks at me and goes back to talking. I bring some of the side dishes that I made and I take a seat "Get me wine" my mother slams her glass into my chest as I look at her in shock but I do what she says.

I sit down as I give the wine to my mother. Everybody started eating already, I dish out some pasta and eat "how's the business going?" my dad asks Dante as Dante looks at him and puts his spoon down "successful as ever" my dad nods.

We all finish eating as I clear up the table and take the dessert out of the fridge "your food was disgusting" I look to my side and see my mother standing there "what?" I question as I look at her "I said your food was disgusting! You put disgrace to my name" she says a bit louder than before, I put the dishcloth on the island as I face her "I'm tired of you insulting my mum. You can't always do this" she laughs and throws her head back "you are pathetic just like your other two sisters" she walks out of the kitchen as I just stare at the wall.

What the hell is wrong with her!? I walk to the dining room and put the dessert down in front of everyone as I sit down and stare at my mother "you know what!" I stand up with my palms on the table "LEAVE!" I say as I glare at her.

She looks at me in shock and stands up "how dare you!?" I roll my eyes and look at dad "I would not want someone to come into MY house and insult me in MY kitchen so I think it's best for you to leave" I say as my mother's face goes red "If you don't sort this out by the time I'm back I promise you I won't hesitate to do something my way" my mother says to my father as she walks out.

I sit down as I put my hands on my lap "That was wrong of you to do that Violet" my dad says as he looks at me "no it's not wrong!" I yell as I stare at my dad "I'm wrong neither was Anna or Isabella but you'll be the ones that were wrong! You'll be always wrong!" I yell at my dad stands up and throws his napkin on the table "you have no right to speak to me like that young lady!" he screams "your mother and I will leave" he yells as he grabs his coat and walks out of the dining room.

After a while I hear the front door shut, I sigh as Dante gets up and walks away. I clear everything from the table and I hear the front door open and shut again, I sigh as I know Dante left. I wash all the dishes and walk to my room. I sit on the bed as I grab onto my phone.

I phone Dante but his phone is switched off. I take a shower and get into bed.

No one was home and I was alone.

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