Chapter 30

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I unpack my clothes from my bags as I set them in the walk-in closet. We moved back to the house since Dante renovated it when I first entered this house memories hit me. The blood, the bodies and what almost happened to me.

Dante came back in the morning and told me to pack because we were leaving, I asked him where he was the whole night but he never answered me instead he screamed at me to mind my own business.

After unpacking, I walk to Dante's room and see the door open. Dante and Veronica were making out on the bed, my eyes widen as I walk away. I walk down to the kitchen and sit on the bar stool. When I saw Dante and Veronica, I got jealous?

I shrug as I get up and take out a chocolate bar, I eat it as my mind wonders to the day Jason told me that I am falling for Dante. Am I? I shake my head as I throw the wrapper of the chocolate in the bin and see Lily. I smile as I walk to her "Hey Lily" she turns around but quickly covers her face with her hair, I look at her confused "hey Violet" when Dante was away with Veronica, Lily and I became good friends "are you okay?" I ask her as I put a hand on her shoulder, she nods and turns away from me "what happened Lily?" I pull her by her shoulders to face me, her hair moves from her face as I gasp at what I see "LILY!" I yell as I see bruises on her face. Her eyes were black, her lip is bust and her nose is broken "what happened to you!?" I sit her down on the couch as tears form in my eyes. Her condition looks.... horrible "I'm fine Violet. Don't worry" she says as tears fall from her eyes, I hold her hands and look at her "please tell me" she shakes her head as she looks around the room as if someone is going to see us "I can't tell you, Violet. I'm sorry" she starts crying as she puts her head in her hands, I sit next to her and hug her "you need to help, Lily. Tell me" I say as I stare down at her in worry. Who could have done this? "it won't make a difference Violet if I tell you and he might hurt you" she says as she wipes her tears with the back of her hand.

She stands up and is about to walk away but I call out to her, she stops and looks at me "tell me" I say as she bows her head, I stand up and take her to my room. I shut the door and sit on the bed with her "it was Cayden" I frown as I don't know who this Cayden person is "who?" I ask her as she stares at the floor "One of the guys that work for Boss" I nod as I realize it's one of the mafia people that work for Dante "why did he do this?" tears fall from Lily's eyes as I rub her back to reassure her that she is safe "yesterday night when boss gave us the day off. We went to the other house that boss owns, sometimes we go there when we off but sometimes we visit our family or something" I nod as I tell her to carry on "Cayden and I were having a conversation in the kitchen because it was just the two of us, the others went out and all of a sudden he just starts kissing me" she sobs as my eyes widen at what she says next "I pushed him away but he never barge, he hit me and and..... And he..... Raped me" she starts crying as I pull her into a hug as tears fall from my eyes as well.

I hate when men think they can do anything to women, I hate how they think women are just items, I hate when men treat women like they nothing. I stand up angry as my hands roll into fists "asshole" I grunt out as I walk to the door, I yank it open as I hear Lily run after me as I storm to Dantes room, I push the door open but see no one there "Violet stop!" Lily screams as I storm off to Dante's office, I fling the door open and see Dante standing with a file in his hand, Veronica sat on the table and a guy stood next to him.

I storm to him as I look at him "What the hell..." I cut him off "Who the hell is Cayden?" I question him, eager to know who the hell this bastard is "Um... I'm Cayden. Why?" my fist connects with his face as he trembles back due to not expecting that.

"what the hell is wrong with you?!" Dante grabs my hand and pulls me to face him, the guy who once stood by Dante was the guy I wanted to pound his face onto a table, I grunt and I pull my hand away from Dantes. Lily runs into the room as I look at her as her face held fear as she looks at Cayden "this coward you have working for you enjoys abusing and raping women!" I scream at Dante as he stares at me. Cayden growls at me as I look at him "You bitch! Boss, you should have more control on this one!" anger burns in me and I pounce on him hitting both of us to the ground "How dare you?!" I yell as I punch his face, Dante grabs me but Cayden turns me over and as he was about to punch me "LEAVE HER THE FUCK ALONE!!" Dante screams as I look at him, Cayden growls and gets off me "Boss what....?" before he could finish, Dantes' head snaps towards his direction "GET OUT NOW, ALL OF YOU!!" everybody listens as I stand up from the ground and look at my bleeding fist.

Lily shuts the door behind her as I look at Dante "what the hell is wrong with you Violet?!" he yells at me as my glare lands on his fisted hands "what do mean what's wrong with me?! That man just raped women and he beat her up Dante! He's a freaking coward! How the hell do you work with people like this?!"

Dante throws his head back and starts laughing, he crosses his arms over his chest and leans on the desk "what makes you think his a coward Violet?" I was about to reply but he carries on "must I remind you. This is the mafia. The number one biggest mafia ever known. We kill people Violet, what's worst than killing people. Rape" he starts laughing again "mafia men and women were born to be ruthless, we were born to be cold-blooded killers. We deadly Violet, this is not the first I've heard one of my men raped a woman. And I'm not surprised violet because you married to a mafia leader and I don't know if you understand this but if you insult the mafia you are insulting THE LEADER!"

I stare at him in shock as I take in everything he said. His heartless.

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