Chapter 41

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We all sat in the lounge, while Dante went to make reservations in a restaurant "so dad got you married?" I nod as Adam plays with Daisy while Caroline was sleeping on my lap "I'm happy for you though... Dante seems really nice and it looks like he really loves you" my cheeks go red as I see Adam stare at me and start laughing "Are you expecting?" I stare at him as I show him the middle finger "I know I'm fat. You don't have to push it on my face" I roll my eyes but Anna frowns "are you sure you not pregnant?" I shake my head and rub my hands through Caroline's blond hair, they were both twins but Caroline inherited Adam's hair and Daisy got Anna's brown hair.

"So how do you'll know about Dante?" I question Anna and Adam "when I got pregnant by Adam, his dad was part of the mafia and his dad wanted him to take his place when he dies since he had cancer and he thought Adam about the in's and out's so Adam knew about Dante and since we started dating, he use to tell me everything" I nod as I see Dante walk down the stairs "ready to go?" we all get up and I carry Caroline in my arms but feel her really heavy "let me take her" Adam takes her out of my arms and we all walk outside "we can take one car if you'll want" Dantes says to them as they nod "it's fine. I'm actually really tired of driving" Adam chuckles as Dante nods and we all get in the car.

We head to the restaurant as Adam and Dante get along, Dante is currently telling us that one of his close men Paul was the traitor. I smile as I see Dante laugh and Anna gives me a thumbs up. I laugh as Dante looks at me "you'll getting along" I smirk at Dante and he just smirks back "I'm not such a bad guy" he repeats what I said earlier and everyone starts laughing in the car. I smile and turn to the window. His actually getting along with Adam and Anna.

We arrive at the restaurant and take our seats on the reserved table "hi my name is Rachel and I'm your waitress for tonight. These are the menu, I will be back to take your order" she smiles and walks away as we search the menu, once we all settle for what we want, Dante orders it and Daisy gets up and walks to Dante "hello Mr" she pulls onto his shirt as he looks down at her. A hint of nervousness shots onto his face but it vanishes just as it came "yes" she tugs onto his shirt harder as he looks at her in confusion "what does she want?" he questions Anna as she just grins "she wants you to carry her" Anna stands up and helps Daisy onto Dantes lap. Dante is about to protest but he then shut up when Daisy smiles at him and pinches his tattoos on his neck "I like" he stares at her as I see he wants to smile but he holds it back "it's pretty" she claps and Dantes just smiles at her "thank you princess" she pulls Dantes cheeks as we all start laughing "let me get her out of your way" Adam says as he just laughs then puts Daisy in the chair next to him.

The food arrives and we start eating "so did you leave the mafia business behind?" Dante questions Adam as Adam nods "I never really wanted to be in the mafia, my father forced me to but once I met Anna and when she got pregnant and both our families wanted her to give the child up, I decided that we should just leave and you know... Run away from all the problems" Dante nods as I just listen "what if dad finds out you back?" I question Anna as she looks at me and holds Adam's hands "that's the main reason why we decided to come back" I frown as I stare at her "what do you mean?" I ask her as she picks her phone up and goes through it and then turns it to me "she needs our help"

My eyes land on the device as I stare at the message that was sent to Anna 'AIV' and an address was attached to the message. My eyes widen as I look at Anna, tears spill out of her eyes. AIV is a code we used to use when any one of us were in trouble. It was our initials "she's in trouble Violet after I got the message, I thought it must have been a dad to find out where I was but the next day I got a call. It was Isabella. I will never forget the way she sounded, she was in trouble. She told me to find you but before I could ask her what's going on, I heard her screaming as I heard men yell at her and I heard..... " she starts crying as Adam wraps his arms around her "your sister is not safe, we searched the address she sent us but it does not match with any place" Dante grabs the phone and looks at the address "shit" I stare at him and he looks at me.

"It's the Russian" Anna looks at Dante confused "what?" Dante gets his phone out and types away "the Russians. They took Isabella, that means that Andrei has her" I frown as I shake my head at what Dante said "no" they all look at me "no. My father said that he sent Isabella somewhere safe so I doubt Andrei has her"

Dante stares at me "the address leads to the Russian mafia underground, that's where the address leads us" Dante says as I pick the phone up and study the address "I don't get it. You said Isabella is pregnant with Andrei's child" Anna grabs my hand "what?" I nod my head "yes, Isabella and Dante supposed to get married at first but then she came to us all bruised up and she told us that Dante abuses her, dad and mum got angry with her and wanted her out of the house....."

I explain to her the whole story about what has been happening and she just lowers her head "he got her" Dante says as I see the fear in his eyes.

"We need to find her" I look at him as he stands up and walks outside while making a phone call.

Everything is just so confusing.

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