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I quickly put the balloons up as I phone Dante "Did you get the cake?" I ask him as I hear him quietly mumble a yes "I'll be home just now" he says as I hang up. It has been 3 years and it's Sophia's 4th birthday so we decided to host a birthday party for her. Lily and Jason got married two years ago and moved in with us since we are staying at the beach house. Last year I found out I'm pregnant again and I'm already in my 7th month.

"I finish put the snacks on the table" Lily says as I smile and give her a hug "Thanks for helping" she shakes her head "not a problem Violet. That's what sisters are for right" I nod as I go upstairs to get dressed, Jason took the kids out to the park so Sophia does not know about her surprise birthday party.

Anna and Adam went out to get some gifts for her and Veronica will be coming over for the birthday party as well, after Isabella left we could not get ahold of her. She is unknown to the world, my parents started talking to me again and my mother apologized to me, unfortunately she never give me a reason for her behavior. Dante cut ties with his parents and Mason is doing good in the mafia business. Dante puts his full concentration on Romano Industry and it's becoming bigger than before.

I work with him but now I'm on maternity leave so I just rest at home and watch TV. I take a shower and put on my floral dress, I put a leggings on so my thick legs don't show with this pregnancy my body is containing a lot of water, I pair the dress up with white sandals and do my make up. I put my hair half up and down.

I walk downstairs as I see Anna and my mother setting the gifts up "you look beautiful" Anna says as I hug her "why don't you go get ready" she nods as she takes her bag of clothes and walks upstairs to get dressed "where should I put these?" my m...

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I walk downstairs as I see Anna and my mother setting the gifts up "you look beautiful" Anna says as I hug her "why don't you go get ready" she nods as she takes her bag of clothes and walks upstairs to get dressed "where should I put these?" my mother asks softly as I tell her to place it on the main table.

Even though she apologized to me I still think back to the bad times, she's my mother after all and how she treated me really hurt me. Dante walks through the door as I hug him "Hey babe" I kiss him as he sets the cake on the table and puts the candles in "everyone is going to arrive soon" he says as he bends down "and so is my angel" I laugh as he stands up and holds my hand "you look stunning" I hit his chest as he kisses my neck while my mother is around "go get dressed" I tell him but he pulls me with him upstairs.

I sit on the bed as he comes out with a suit and I shake my head no, he sighs as I roll my eyes, I stand up and walk into the closet "wear this" I give him a white t-shirt and a black jeans with his black leather jacket paired up with black vans.

I lick my lips as I see him, he pounces on me as he starts tickling me as I go into a laughing fit, all of a sudden he stops and leans in, he is about to kiss me when we hear a horrible scream "Really now guys!!! Keep it PG" I turn around and show...

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I lick my lips as I see him, he pounces on me as he starts tickling me as I go into a laughing fit, all of a sudden he stops and leans in, he is about to kiss me when we hear a horrible scream "Really now guys!!! Keep it PG" I turn around and show Jason the middle finger "why do you always interupt us!?" Dante growls as I just sit up annoyed "Come downstairs now we bringing Sophia in" Dante grabs my hand as we both walk downstairs.

I look at everyone as I realize how much my life has taken such a turn, Veronica stands with her soon to be husband on the side singing happy birthday, my dad is busy recording as my mum smiles at her granddaughter. Caroline and Daisy are digging into the cupcakes and messing their faces, Adam and Anna are in each other's arms by next week they will be married. Lily and Jason holding hands as Jason is whispering something in Lily's ear maybe wanting a kid and then there's my little one Sophia.

She stands by the cake with a big smile as she licks some of the fresh cream from the cake, she wears a pink dress, her hair set in curls on one side. She looks so beautiful and she has grown-up so fast. She waves at me as I throw her a kiss, she catches it and puts it by her heart and she throws me a kiss and I do the same.

Then I look at Dante, what a changed man. For the past years he showered me with the most love I could get and yes we have our fights but that's what a relationship is about. It's not always beds and roses but it's about the fights and how we make up, yes we started off with a bad start but look at the ending. It's beautiful. I wrap my arms around Dante as he looks down at me and kisses my head as he puts his hand around my stomach.

This is my end. The end I deserve, I'm happy that I met Dante and I'm happy that I met all these people that now stand in my life. They made me realize the life I deserve and what's right and what's wrong. I love all of them.

And most of all I love Dante Romano, my little one and my future son.

After all, I'm His wife.

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