Chapter 37

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I sat on my bed as I pull my headphones in and take the black nail polish and paint my fingernails. I hum to the tune of the song as I blow onto my nails for it to dry.

My nail polish dries as I take out a long purple top as it goes above my knees and I switch the light off and lay on the bed. I reply to the messages that my friends sent as I play music on low.

"Violet" my heart skips a beat as the lights go on and I jump out of bed ready to attack the person "Veronica!" I yell as I see her standing by the door "you scared me! What the hell!?" I scream as she looks up at me, I see tears in her eyes as I frown "are you okay?" I ask her as I go near her "is... It true?" she asks me as I stare at her confused "what is true?" I ask her as I cross my arms.

"is it true that you and Dante..... You know last night?" my eyes widen but I quickly cover it with a confused expression "I don't understand. Please explain" I tell her as I straighten my position as she wipes the tears away and her face goes red, she grabs my shirt and pulls at it "let go VERONICA!" I yell at her as she pushes me back and I fall to the floor "You Little WHORE! You sleep with my boyfriend and now you want to act innocent! I'm not stupid!" she screams at me as I see Abigail and Katy standing by the door, Katy runs in and helps me up "WHY SHOULD IT MATTER TO YOU HUH!? After all, Dante is my husband! So if I sleep with him, you have no concern in it" I glare at her as she lifts her hand up and punches me square in the face.

I stumble back as I fall down and Veronica jumps on me and keeps punching me "GET AWAY FROM ME!!!" I scream as I try pushing her away but she pulls my hair and bangs my head on the floor.

I grab her neck and push her away as I see Katy run up to Abigail and tell her something as Abigail nods and runs off with Katy behind her "he may be your husband but I doubt he will fuck me if he actually took you as his wife" Veronica smirks as my fist raises and I fist her in her stomach, she cries out in pain as I stand up "I will love to destroy that pretty face of yours Veronica but I'm not such a low life like you" I hiss out at her as she stands up and screams as she runs to me and hits me down on the floor, she takes this opportunity and kicks me in the stomach "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HER!" Dante grabs Veronica and pushes her away from me "you BASTARD!!" Veronica screams at Dante as Katy comes to my aid and helps me up "you okay?" Katy asks me as I nod and lean on my make up dresser.

"Don't you talk to me like that Veronica. I'm warning you!" Dante says as he takes a dangerous step forward and I see his hand fist up as Veronica pokes him in his chest "you cheated on me! I trusted you Dante and you go and sleep with this little whore! You are a cheating bitch!" she yells as my eyes widen.

Dante growls as his hand lifts up to hit Veronica but I run in front of him and grab his hand before it could make contact with my face. His stiff hand, relaxes as his eyes soften and he looks at me" Violet" he says as I lower his hand and he continues to look at me "don't hit her" I say softly but he shakes his head "she deserves it" he yells as he was about to go near her I stepped in front of him again and he looks at me "YOU SEE! YOU IN LOVE WITH THIS BITCH!!" Veronica screams and walks out of the room and Katy leaves and Abigail smiles and shows me thumbs up and walks away "why will you save the women that hates you?" Dante questions as he sits on the bed.

I sigh as he rubs a hand in his hair "I don't like a man raising his hand on a women" I say as he looks at me and walks out of the room. I roll my eyes as he just left with no reply, I lay back in bed as I'm about to close my eyes, a hand lands on mine.

I look up and see Dante with a first aid kit in his hand "what?" I question confused as I sit up and he sits next to me "your face.... she hurt you" I touch my face and liquid come onto my hand. Blood.

He wipes the blood as I squeeze his hand "shhh... You okay?" he questions as I open my eyes and look at him "yes" he nods and throws the bloody tissue away.

He adds some ointment on the scars and leaves the room. Tears fall as I think about how much I fell for him but he does not love me. I lay in bed with the lights switched on as I grab onto a pillow and snuggle into it.

1 month after

I pay for the clothes at the cashier and walk out of the shop and to the Cafe that stood next to the jewellery shop. I order a mixed berry mocktail and I sit on the table and drink it.

I take out my phone and message Abigail

Violet: hey Abigail. I will be home in a few minutes. What you up to?

I wait for a reply but I don't get any so I put my phone in my pocket and throw the empty cup in the bin and I walk to the parking area. I get into the car but I start feeling nauseous as I feel puke coming up, I open the car door and I vomit.

I lean back onto the seat as I wipe my mouth with a tissue and drink some water. I feel weak as I rest onto the seat for a while.

My phone rings as I pick it up without seeing the caller ID "hello" I answer as I take a deep breath in "Hey Violet! I just saw your message now. I was cleaning the kitchen but now I'm just going to have a shower and after that, I'll make supper for everyone" I start to feel nauseous again as my phone calls from my hands and I throw my head out of the car and start vomiting again.

"Abigail," I say as I pick the phone up "Violet are you okay!?" she yells as I hear worry in her voice "yes. I just vomited because I was feeling nauseous" I tell her as I shut my door and turn on the car "are you sure you find Violet?" she questions again as I roll my eyes and laugh "yes Abigail. Don't worry, I'm fine. I'm driving now so I will speak to you later" I hang up as I drive out of the mall and head home.

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