Chapter Five: Discharged

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        “I heard about the accident and I wanted to see how you were holding up.” He stared blankly, glancing over me. I wanted to snap at him that the accident happened two days ago and that he should’ve been here then, but at least he actually showed up. He took a tentative step toward me.  “How are you feeling?”

                “Fine for a seventeen year old with two broken ribs, a broken arm, neck injuries, a concussion, and amnesia.” I hissed. He looked hurt for a moment, and for a moment I almost felt bad. “But other than that, I’m alright.”

                “I talked to the boys who hit you earlier…” I tensed. My dad was a ruthless man. Even though I know he didn’t care about me, and that didn’t bother me at all, I knew he wouldn’t hesitate to press charges.

                “Dad I know what you’re thinking and I don’t think we should…” I began before he cut me off.

                “Don’t interrupt me.” He snapped. “As I was saying, I have made an executive decision not to press charges.” I fell silent, dumbfounded. Something here was very, very wrong. He noticed my confusion and elaborated. “We came up with a business agreement, and you’re never going to have to deal with those boys again.” My heart sank at his last remark. Did he threaten them? Did he tell them never to speak to me again? What was going on? The room fell silent for a moment. “So when are you being discharged?”

                “Tomorrow hopefully.” He nodded carefully and tossed me a set of keys.

                “You can have the spare car. My assistant parked it down in the lot for you and when you get discharged, you can go up to the ranch. I’m not going to be home too much for the next couple of weeks. We’ve been making some breakthroughs with the stem cells and the team is working really hard and I should be there…”

             “Dad, that’s fine.” He sighed in relief. “Thanks for the spare car.” We fell back into silence until his phone buzzed. He glanced down at the screen and shot me an apologetic look.

                “I have to take this…” I nodded in understanding and he turned on his heel and answered the phone. “I’ll give you a call sometime, Iris. Get better.” He called over his shoulder.

                “Bye dad, love you.” I called after him. But he already closed the door.

~                                                                      ~                                                          ~

To text Flynn or to not text Flynn. That was the question. After my dad left the previous night, I turned on the TV and fell asleep while watching the Big Bang Theory. I woke up bright and early at 9:00 the next morning ready for one final X-Ray of my ribs and arms. If they were healing alright, I would be free to go and with me would come several medications.

I was feeling better, or at least my spirits were. I still couldn't breathe very deeply and when I did too much physical activity, my ribs and lungs ached. I wasn't too sure what I was going to be able to do at the ranch, but hopefully I would be able to discuss that with Dr. Davis.

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