Chapter Seventeen: Hook, Line, and Sinker

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I woke up to the smell of burning bacon. I slowly opened my eyes and realized where I was and who I was with. I scrambled away from Flynn's grasp on me and fell out of the bed. My frantic movements woke a very sleepy Flynn, who slowly blinked at me.

"W-what happened last night?!" I demanded, grabbing a bathrobe and furiously tying it around me. My words registered to Flynn and he became very alert of his surroundings.

"Nothing! I swear!" Flynn responded loudly. I opened my mouth to snap back at him when Damon popped his head in the doorway.

"Oh look at that. They're having a lover's quarrel." He cooed. A few voices shouted from upstairs and my cheeks reddened. Flynn slammed his head into a bedpost. After Damon left, Flynn turned back to me.

"Trust me, nothing happened. Do you not remember?" He crawled forward on the bed and put a hand on my head. I put mine on top of his and tried to think back to last night, but everything was fuzzy.

"I honestly don't." I answers. Flynn's expression changed to worry and he felt around my head for any bumps or bruises.

"Maybe it's a side effect from the amnesia." He suggested.

"Maybe." My stomach growled and Flynn laughed, standing from the bed. He laced his fingers through mine and led me out the door and up the stairs to the kitchen.

"C'mon. Let's get you some breakfast."

Thirty minutes later, everyone had scarfed down burnt bacon, eggs, and pancakes. I checked the time and cursed. Everyone noticed my distress and I pointed to the clock.

"Guys it's 9:00! The ranch opens now!" I exclaimed. The girls scrambled out of their seats and the boys slowly followed.

"I don't know why you guys are so rushed." Caleb called from the kitchen.

"Because unlike you, we aren't guests and have work to do." Briar snapped, hurriedly pulling on her tennis shoes. She grabbed Paisley by the arm and started pulling her and I out the door. "Let's go."

"What about us?" Mason called, following us out the door.

"You have a car!" Paisley replied, stepping in the passenger seat. Briar climbed into the backseat and I put the key into the ignition and we sped away leaving the five boys utterly confused behind us.

"So where did you and Flynn go to last night?" Paisley asked. My cheeks heated up and the two girls freaked out. "OHMYGOD did you sleep with him???"

"No! Of course not!" I replied quickly. "And I don't really remember much of what happened." I mumbled.

"Maybe it's a side effect from the accident?" Briar suggested. I nodded, gripping the steering wheel tighter.

"That's what Flynn said, too." We fell silent for a moment, just driving up the mountain. "So how did your nights go with your respective boys?" I finally asked.

"SO GOOD!" Paisley screamed.

"Jesus, Paisley you're going to get us all killed." Briar snapped.

"Sorry..." Her voice trailed off. "But anyway, Damon was just perfect!" She squealed.

"Explain!" Briar and I said in unison.

"Well, we just kinda progressively got closer and closer to each other during each movie. And finally, during the sixth one, we were kinda cuddling. And I fell asleep like that." Her entire persona changed as she was talking about him. Her eyes lot up and she had this dreamy look.

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