Chapter Forty Four: Gliding

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A week and a half had passed, which gave Flynn and I a week before he and the boys left to go on tour. To say we’d been spending time with each other would be the biggest understatement of the year. We were practically attached at the hip. I had moved into Flynn’s cabin, so had Paisley, except in Damon’s room, and Briar and Caleb had our old cabin all to themselves.

All in all, it seemed to be working out pretty fine.

I was currently seated in the passenger seat of Flynn’s car, blindfolded. He had insisted on the blindfolds, no matter how much I protested. It occurred to me that Flynn liked me blindfolded. He had me close my eyes when I tried our shortcakes and now here I was, once again blindfolded.

“Flynn,” I whined. “Can I please take this stupid thing off?”

“Nope.” He said, popping the “p”.

“But the anticipation is killing me!”

“That sounds like a personal problem.” He retorted. I pouted.

“You can be pretty demanding sometimes.”

“But you love it.” I could hear the cheeky smile in his voice. “Besides, chill out, we’re almost there.” I huffed and folded my arms across my chest, defeated. A few moments after his announcement, I felt the car slow to a halt. He parked and unbuckled his seatbelt. I reached for my blindfolds and he grabbed my hands. “Not yet, okay?” I sighed and let my hands fall on my lap.

I heard Flynn get out of the driver’s side and a moment later, he opened my door and took my hands. He stood behind me, hands on my shoulders, guiding me to wherever our destination was. He held open a door for me and led me inside. The cool sensation of air conditioning hit me, but it felt colder than usual. I felt Flynn let go of me and suddenly I was wrapped up in his jacket. “Okay, stop.” He ordered. I stopped and I felt him slowly remove the blindfold. I gaped. Of course, I was excited to be here, but a pang of guilt hit me so hard in the chest, I literally felt myself stagger backward. Flynn caught me in his arms and chuckled. “No falling just yet.”

He had taken me to the ice skating rink.

I mean under normal circumstances, any girlfriend would’ve been thrilled. But this just brought back terrible memories of my mother. I shuddered. I would smile and toughen up through this, no matter how hard it would be. “H-how did you know to take me here?” I stuttered, my voice shaking. He rubbed my arms, probably thinking I was cold.

“Well, the past few times I’ve been to your house, I’ve seen pictures of you ice skating in cute little costumes or holding trophies on skates. So, I figured it would be a fun blast from the past. Besides, you cooked with me, and that was something my old mom and I used to do all the time when I was a kid.” My eyebrows furrowed together, old mom? I’d have to ask him about that sometime later.

“I used to ride as a kid, too.” I hissed. I didn’t mean to sound so angry, honestly, but the flood of memories and emotions was beginning to be a bit too much for me to handle.

“Well, we’ve been riding. And I thought this would be new and fun…look, if you aren’t into this anymore, that’s fine. We can go. I just thought…” He shuffled awkwardly and all feelings of anger disappeared. Flynn was just trying to be a nice guy. He didn’t know about what happened to my mom, and I couldn’t hold him accountable for choosing a date that brought back memories of her because he didn’t even know about her. I wrapped my arms around him and gave him a tight hug.

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