Chapter Forty One: Chutes and Ladders

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I didn’t consider myself to be a popular person. I didn’t have many friends at school, and the few friends I did have didn’t text me on a daily basis. In fact, I don’t think I get more than ten texts a day. However, when I woke up Saturday Morning and glanced at my phone, I gaped.

I had sixty seven missed text messages and about fifteen missed calls and voicemails. More than half of the numbers I didn’t even recognize. But each said basically the same thing: Why the hell are you with Flynn Rodgers?!

Some messages got a bit more graphic.

A strangled sigh escaped my lips, waking Flynn. He sat up next to me and peered over my shoulder. “Flynn..?” I asked, trying to keep my voice level. I failed miserably. He wrapped his arms protectively around me and gave me a tight squeeze. “How does everyone know about us?” He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

“We shouldn’t have left town last night, let alone the ranch.” He began. “After you were drunk, everyone had disappeared, probably off to here. You were too discombobulated to walk, so I was carrying you out of the club.” I blushed, hoping that I hadn’t said anything too provocative in my drunken stupor. “So, I was carrying you out and to the hotel, and some bratty kid got a picture of me carrying you off here.” I tensed. That explained the graphic text messages about Flynn and me.

“Why would she do that?” I asked, more to myself than to Flynn, but he answered regardless.

“To make money. That’s why they always follow us, they want to get the perfect picture to sell to the tabloids. She probably got a lot for it, too. It’s not every day that you see me carrying a girl off to a hotel room like some brute.” I placed my hand on top of his.

“You aren’t a brute. You were looking out for your stupid girlfriend who was being selfish and reckless.” Flynn’s eyes hardened.

“You aren’t selfish. I don’t ever want to hear you say that again, okay? You say it too much.” His face softened a bit. “I’m sorry that all of this happened to you. I’ll get you a new phone and everything.”

“You don’t have to do that for me.” I began but Flynn waved his hand dismissively.

“It’s never going to let up. You’re going to constantly get text messages and calls even from people across the country…and world. It’s best to keep everything private. Now that this number is most likely public, we need to change it.” I gaped.

“Do you always have to do stuff like this?” Flynn shrugged.

“Normally, we’re more careful. Trust me, I was just as reckless as you were last night.” He fell back onto the bed and I lied down next to him, my hand still laced with his.

“So now what?” Flynn opened his mouth to answer me, but the door burst open before he could formulate a response.

“Flynn you’re a goddamned idiot.” Damon hissed angrily. Flynn looked at me and rolled his eyes. Behind him stormed in Mason, Landon, Caleb, Briar and Paisley. It seemed as if we were having a party in our room. I giggled and Damon shot me his iciest glare and I stopped. Flynn glowered at his best friend.

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