Chapter Thirty Eight: Falling for a Lunatic

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Flynn POV

I groaned as Iris saddled up Thor after dinner. I hadn’t wanted to take her out riding because I was worried she’d get hurt under my care. But she had insisted and no matter how hard I willed myself not to say yes, she was too damn tempting. And now here I was, waiting impatiently to ride our massive horse up to a secluded plateau where who knows what could happen.

While Iris was doped up on this medicine, she had become a bit more…confident. Not that I was complaining, I found it incredibly attractive. But I didn’t know how much longer my self control would hold. Iris had been pretty damn persistent to go here with me…alone nonetheless, and I had no idea what she had planned up her sleeve. Part of me was worried about all the things that could go right tonight, another part was giddy with anticipation. I had done a pretty decent job of not letting things go too far while she was under heavy pain meds, but I could only resist her so many times without either breaking her heart or giving in. Neither was a desirable option.

Not that sleeping with Iris wasn’t desirable. She was probably one of the most desirable girls I’d ever met. I had even admitted to her that the moment I laid eyes on her, all I wanted was to kiss her senseless. It was some sort of magnetic pull, she had me under her spell. One touch had me craving more, and I knew that eventually what we were doing wouldn’t be enough for either of us. It already wasn’t enough for me, and it was killing me not to act on anything yet. But I couldn’t. Not like this. Iris deserved so much better.

And I worried that I couldn’t give that to her.

I was selfish, I wasn’t home all the time, I couldn’t give her the attention she deserved. On top of which, I couldn’t sleep with her tonight. Not while she was doped up on pain meds. She wasn’t really herself. And I wanted her to be fully aware of every touch, every kiss. I wanted her own true reaction to me, not some dopey, giggly girl. Call me selfish, but I wanted her fully present when the time came. I wanted to make it special for her.

And I knew that nothing about tonight’s circumstances would make it special. Hell, I’d be surprised if she even remembered it.

“You ready?” Iris asked, walking from the other side of the horse to my side. I nodded stiffly and she smiled, helping me up onto the horse. I felt her jump onto Thor’s back and she sat behind me, wrapping her arms around my torso. She kicked his side and he began to trot away from the stables. I took the reins in my hand and guided the horse toward the trail through the Aspen forest that would lead us to the secluded plateau.

Iris leaned her cheek against my back and my skin burned with desire from her touch. “Hey Flynn?” She said quietly. I could hardly hear her because of the wind rushing past us.

“Yeah?” I mumbled, eyes focused on the trail ahead of me.

“Are you alright?” I stiffened at her question and she seemed to notice. “You’ve been kinda…tense.” We cleared through the trees and I knew the plateau would be in sight very soon. I tensed for two completely different reasons.

“I’m fine.” I said through gritted teeth. I kept my concentration on anything but the fact that Iris was pressed against me, her arms tightly circling me and the motion of the horse which resembled something really inappropriate.

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