Chapter Thirty One: Disney Always Murders Parents

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I woke up tangled in Flynn’s embrace and smiled. I checked the digital clock on the nightstand and cursed. I had slept until noon! Lunch would be starting soon, and I was extremely famished. “Flynn.” I whispered. He squeezed me tighter. “Flynn we have to get up.” I tried. He grumbled something incoherent. “It’s lunch time.”

Suddenly, Flynn was wide awake. The force from his getting up surprised me so much, I tumbled off his bed, landing hard on my ass. I stood up, rubbing my behind and grumbling. Flynn laughed and I stuck my tongue out at him. “Meet me back here in ten for lunch?” He offered.

“Ten?” I repeated. “That’s not going to happen. Fifteen. At least.” I said before marching out the door and to my cabin.

As I stepped into the cabin, Briar and Paisley rushed to my side. “Are you okay, honey?” Briar asked, rubbing my shoulders. I smiled weakly.

“Never been better.” I replied sarcastically.

“That rat is never going to touch you again. We made sure of it.” Paisley assured me.

“What do you mean?” I asked hesitantly.

“We went to Pat and Cindy and made sure that he got what he deserved.” Paisley explained.

“Flynn didn’t tell you?” Briar asked. I shook my head. “He probably didn’t want to upset you.” I frowned, but decided it wasn’t anything I could change so I quickly dressed myself.

“What’s with the hurry?” Paisley questioned.

“Lunch. I slept through breakfast and I’m starving.” I moaned. The girls gathered their things and waited for me at the door.

“We’ll come with.” I nodded and we walked toward the dining hall together. The boys joined us, and soon Flynn’s hands were intertwined with mine. We made our way to our table after grabbing a plate full of fresh burgers. Flynn sent me a knowing smile and I smiled back, remembering our burger bowling night. It’s weird to think that the date had happened about a week ago.

It was even weirder that I was dating the very boy who hit me with his car.

I silently ate my lunch, not having much to say. I still felt out of it after the events that occurred Friday. There wasn’t much that interested me these days anyway. I just felt numb. I knew Flynn and the others were worried about me, I was even worried about myself. But right now, I didn’t want to do anything. I wanted to curl in a bed and sleep forever. Maybe then the numb feeling inside of me would leave.

But I knew that wasn’t true. I knew if I took to my bed, I would never get over what happened. And I needed to. Harboring this guilt, this fear, wasn’t healthy. I knew that better than anyone else. But at the same time, just doing my daily routine felt exhausting. Even eating seemed to be too much for me to handle as I shoved my fries around my plate with a fork. Paisley flashed me a concerned look and I faked a smile. Her eyes slid off me when Damon cracked a funny joke. I laughed along with the others, even though I hadn’t heard it.

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