Chapter Twenty: The Attack and The Escape

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My heart stopped for a moment and I tensed. "Excuse me?"

"I think you heard me." Elliot said, scooting closer to me. I frantically looked around and cursed. I should've been paying attention to where we were. Elliot had driven me into the dense woods, where no one would suspect me or hear me. I felt like I was in some slasher movie. I felt around my pockets for my cell phone and cursed again. I had left it back in my cabin.

I was going to get raped.

Or die.

Possibly both.

I was shocked out of my mental break down by Elliot aggressively kissing me. I gasped and he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss. I struggled, arms flailing everywhere. Elliot sat on top of me and broke the kiss. 


"Elliot, let me go." I demanded. He chuckled and began taking off his belt. I tensed even more and he chuckled.

"Don't worry, we haven't gotten to that part. Yet." He said darkly. He then proceeded to grab my two hands and tie them together with the belt. I tried to move them, but the leather chaffed my skin. I winced but continued to try to get them off of me until I felt a trickle of blood flow down my arm.

"Y-you won't get away with this." I stuttered.

"And who's going to stop me?" He challenged, kissing my neck.

"Flynn." I answered boldly. Though him and I both knew that Flynn wasn't coming to my rescue anytime soon. I was alone. And screwed. Literally.

"Then I think you're SOL." Elliot chuckled. He leaned on top of me and I closed my eyes, willing the tears not to come. I would not cry. I would be strong. "Now, tell me you want me." Elliot whispered in my ear. I bit his neck in response and he yowled in pain, sitting up.

"You're a pig." I hissed.

Elliot quickly recovered and began tearing at my shirt. He ripped it off me and admired my smooth torso. "That's not what I was looking for." He cooed as if he was speaking to a five year old. He started trailing kisses down my stomach and stopped at the button to my pants. "Now this can either be easy or extremely hard. No pun intended." He chuckled. I grimaced. Now was so not the time. "Do I have to ask you again?" He sat up, towering over me.


My knee tensed. I had one shot here. And if it didn't work, I knew negotiating was not an option. I closed my eyes and counted down from three. I slammed my knee into his groin and he fell over, groaning. I scrambled to my feet, my hands still bound together and took off blindly running.

I ignored the pain that was shooting in my lungs and I ignored my bleeding wrists. I would take care of the belt the second I was out of this damn forest. I could hardly see because it was so dark out and my blinding tears didn't help.

Off into the distance, I heard Elliot rev the golf cart. Shit. I quickened my pace and not soon after cleared the forest. I heard Elliot close on my trail and decided running zig zag would be my best bet.

About fifty feet after I cleared the forest, I saw the golf cart come flying out. Elliot quickly spotted me and floored it until he was about fifteen feet behind me. He was calling something out to me, but I was too focused on getting the hell away from him. I checked over my shoulder and cursed. Elliot had somehow gotten closer. I took a hard right toward the stables. Elliot followed. Hopefully I'd be able to lose him.

A couple minutes later, I was in the dark stables. Elliot had lost a few feet taking a hard turn behind me. I still didn't have a lot of time to hide. I ran to the farthest stall, Fire's, and crouched low behind the horse. She noticed my presence and turned around and looked at me. I stayed hidden in the corner, refusing to make any noise. Her head quickly snapped toward the front of the stalls. Elliot must've just gotten here.

"You can't hide here forever, Iris." He called, kicking open a stall door. My hands fumbled for the back entrance to the stall. Each stall was equipped with two doors, one in the front and one in the back. I guess Elliot had forgotten that vital fact. Three opened stalls later, I slid out of Fire's stall and began blindly running toward the cabins.

I shivered from the cold and angrily cursed. Stupid Elliot for taking off my shirt. Stupid me for letting him take me home. Stupid Flynn for not asking me out sooner. Stupid me for getting in a fight with him earlier.

My breathing became more laborious as I stopped at the cabin. I wasn't even too sure if this was my cabin. I couldn't see, and I had accidentally left my cabin keys inside the cabin with my phone. I frantically slammed my fist on the door, checking over my shoulder for any psychopathic rapists riding a golf cart.

I heard laughter from the backyard. Maybe Briar and Paisley were having a bonfire and roasting marshmallows. That's probably why no one had answered the door yet. I turned to leave and sucked in a sharp breath, my vision becoming blurry. I was breathing a lot harder than ever, and I felt like I was going to vomit. I didn't even think my lungs were working. I turned around, planning on leaning my weight on the door and taking a breather before going to the back when the door opened. I stumbled backward into a strong pair of arms and looked up to see a striking pair of blue eyes.

"Shit Iris, what happened?"


Author's Note:

Glad that's over! Sorry this chapter was relatively short, the next few are a bit logner. I'm sorry if you don't feel comfortable with what almost happened, but I did mark it off, so hoepfully you read my warning in the beginning and heeded my advice. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! 

I will be out of town a week from today, so expect a few more updates before I leave for a week. Then I'll be back in town and updating on a regular basis! I'm going to Indiana University to go to a College Auditioning Camp. It's a camp for music students that teaches them how to have a sucessful audition. For those of you who aren't aware, your audition is how you get into a college/conservatory and recieve finincial aid, so this camp will be very beneficial! And for those of you who aren't aware, I'm a senior in high school and I will be attending college as a vocal performance major. I like to sing opera haha. I know, it's different! 

Anyway, songs of this chapter: 

Breakable - Ingrid Michaelson (if you don't know who she is, go check her out now) 

Mad World - Gary Jewels

Those You've Known - Spring Awakening

Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift 








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