Chapter Twelve: Cashing In

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​The rest of the day by the pool was relaxing. After we finished another few rounds of chicken fight, which I decided to sit out despite Damon's pleas, we played a few more pool games before we lay outside on the lounge chairs for a couple hours, tanning. Or in my case, burning. I lazy rolled over to check my watch for the time and gasped. It was already 5:30! Dinner started in thirty minutes! I needed to take a shower and make myself look just a little decent!

​"What's wrong?" Mason asked, sitting up from tanning when he noticed my distress.

​"Dinner starts in a half hour!" I exclaimed, gathering my things in a hurry.

​"Well, someone's a little hungry." Caleb joked, high fiving Damon.

​"I have to go." I hurried pulling the cover up over by body and put on my flip flops. "I'll see you guys at dinner. And just so you all remember," I glanced at a smirking Flynn, "it ends at 7:30." With that, I stood and left the pool.

​Thirty minutes later, I was showered and looked somewhat decent. Briar and Paisley weren't back yet, I wasn't too sure where they were or who they went out with, but I would see them at dinner eventually, and walking alone didn't bother me. But thankfully for me, Jackson along with a few other guys were already eating. I pulled up a chair next to Jackson because he was a familiar face, and began to eat.

​"So what did you guys do today?" I asked in between bites.

​"Nothing much. My cabin and I went on a bike trail." Jackson answered. He lifted his head toward another boy. "Brandon's group watched a movie." I looked over at Brandon and waved. "And Elliot's group went on a hike." He pointed to the guy sitting farthest away from me. I waved at him, too.

​"Hey guys, I'm Iris." I offered my hand and both boys shook it.

​"We know." They chuckled. I gave them a confused look and they just laughed harder.

​"Did you guys get any time alone?" I asked, changing the subject off me.

​"No. But tomorrow night after dinner, we're all going to go see a movie." Jackson answered. He turned to me and smiled awkwardly. "Do you think you'd like to come, too?"

​"Uh..." I began. I didn't have any other specific plans tomorrow night unless the boys needed me for something, which I highly doubted. "Unless the boys need me for something, I'm free." Jackson relaxed and smiled.

​"Cool, cool. We were thinking of watching Spider Man. We can change it if you'd like though."

​"No that's all good. I love the spider man movies." Jackson, Brandon, and Elliot all grinned.

​"Great. We'll see you tomorrow then." Jackson said, standing from his seat. "We're all tired and gonna head back in to get an early night's rest. See you tomorrow." He said before the three of them left and I was left alone. It wasn't very long until I was met by a very sweaty Paisley and Briar.

​"Did you see that loopy smile on Jackson's face?" Paisley asked, placing her plate of food next to me and sitting down. Briar sat on the other side of her. "Any idea what that's about?"

​"Well I'm seeing a movie with him and his friends tomorrow night maybe." I answered. The girls gave me a surprised look. "What?"

​"Why maybe? Why not just go?" Briar asked.

​"Well, if the guys need me for anything, I have to take care of them, first. But if they don't, and they probably won't, then I'll go to the movie." I explained.

​"I thought you liked Flynn?" Paisley asked. Just then, the boys walked into the dining hall. As they walked past our table, each of them greeted me. I waited until they were out of hearing before I answered Paisley.

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