Chapter Thirty Three: The Third Favor

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“Iris, someone’s at the door for you!” Briar called from the front of the cabin. I groaned and dug deeper into my cozy bed. I heard a pair of footsteps approach me and I faked sleep, hoping whoever the intruder was would respect my Friday attitude and let me sleep in peace. “She’s sleeping.” Briar noted. Suddenly, the blankets were ripped off me and I cursed, scrambling to yank them back toward me.

“Good morning, princess. Get up, we need to talk.” Damon said, holding the blankets. I fell back down on the bed and groaned. So far, Flynn and the boys hadn’t said much to me all week. They only asked me to supervise them with activities they needed supervision with, and Flynn was never around.

“Here to woo me with your incredible singing or is it something else?” I spat. Damon narrowed his eyes at me.

“I’m not going to do this with you, princess. I’m giving you five minutes to get your butt dressed and if you aren’t outside in five minutes, I will personally come back in here and dress you myself. Do you understand?” He growled. I tensed, realizing that Damon meant business. I flew out of bed and grabbed a pair of shorts and a plain t-shirt. I pulled a pair of sneakers out and ran out the door, breathless. Damon looked at me amused. “I should threaten to dress you more often.”

“Shut up.” I glowered. “What do you want?” He extended his hand forward, insisting that I walk. Once we were far enough away from the cabins, Damon swung a left and we walked out toward the open fields. He randomly sat down and pulled me down so I was seated next to him.

“You need to talk to Flynn.” I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms across my chest.

“He’s a big boy, if he wants to talk to me, he can approach me himself.”

“You and I know damn well that you aren’t going to let him talk to you. He’s been trying to give you space and it’s killing him, Iris.” I felt a pang of guilt for a second, but quickly masked my face, determined to keep my poker face.

“He had the chance to talk to me Sunday.” I retorted.

“He had no idea what to say. Iris, please you don’t know him like I know him. He cares about you so much. He cares about you more than you could ever know.”

“Damon…” I said uncertainly.

“No Iris listen for just one God damn second. Sunday should have never happened. Flynn should’ve been honest with you, and if not him, then one of us should’ve. It was a mistake; mistakes happen all the time.” Damon said roughly. “Flynn never meant to hurt you.” Damon’s demeanor changed from rough to extremely soft and vulnerable. “The way he’s been acting has been scaring all of us. Iris, I’m not telling you to take him back. I’m just begging you to at least talk to him.” I huffed and nodded.

“Fine. I’ll talk to him after dinner. Where can I find him?” I was angry at myself for letting my resolve break, but decided that Damon knew best. This didn’t mean that I had to take him back. But it meant that I could at least say I gave him a chance. Damon smiled gratefully and helped me to my feet.

“I’ll take you to him after dinner. Thank you so much, Iris.”

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