Chapter Twenty Seven: First Date Questions

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The rest of the week went by pretty uneventfully. I would rotate between my cabin and cabin eleven to sleep every other night. The girls didn’t seem to mind, and neither did Flynn or the boys. It was sheer perfection. I spent my week with the boys, riding mostly. We tried different, easy trails, never going too far. We went through a river one day, another through the forest, and the rest through open fields.

Before I knew it, it was Friday.

AKA, date night with Flynn.

To say I was nervous would be a huge understatement. I was shaking the entire day, my stomach was doing summersaults. Briar and Paisley had agreed to doll me up, much to my protests. The insisted since this was the third date, and the third date was apparently somehow more significant than the first two. I didn’t quite know why, but I didn’t question them.

Briar had dressed me in a dark pair of skinny jeans and a gray, sheer shirt. She lent me her black leather jacket and a pair of black heels. Paisley gave my hair a light wave and gave me very subtle makeup with smoky grey eye shadow. After an hour and a half, I was ready. I hardly recognized myself as I stood in front of the mirror, Briar and Paisley flanked behind me.

“Flynn is not going to be able to keep his hands off you.” Paisley snickered. I smacked her lightly on the arm.

“Nothing’s going to happen.”I insisted.

“You say that now, but tomorrow when you’re gushing to us about everything he did to you, we’ll be saying ‘I told you so!’” Briar replied. There was a knock on the door and we stopped breathing for a moment. The girls squealed pushing me toward the door. I shakily grabbed the handle and slowly opened it.

Flynn was leaning against the doorframe, checking his watch. He was wearing a dark pair of jeans, nice loafers, a grey shirt and a grey beanie. The beanie looked really good on him, it really accentuated his blue eyes. He beamed once seeing me and offered me his arm. “Ready to go, my lady?” I nodded and the girls squealed waiting in the cabin.

I closed the door, but not before Paisley screamed “Don’t forget to use protection!” I instantly blushed and Flynn laughed. It was a low throaty laugh and it was so alluring. He walked me to the passenger side of the car and opened and closed the door for me.

“I really don’t need you to do all this for me.” I said once he was seated in the driver’s seat. Flynn scoffed.

“You have never been on a date with a gentleman, then.” This was true. I had actually never been on a date before. But I wasn’t about to tell Flynn that.

“So, where are we going?” I asked while we were driving down the mountain. Flynn’s mouth twitched into that small smirk.

“I’m taking you there now, can’t you just wait for the surprise!” He groaned. I shook my head.

“I’m not patient.”

“I’m well aware.” He stopped the car in the downtown parking lot and before I had the change to collect my belongings and open the door for myself, he was already standing by the door and holding it open. I groaned.

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