Chapter Thirty Seven: A Little Persuasion

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I had spent the past week and a half stuck in Flynn’s room. And don’t get me wrong, I loved Flynn’s room, and I’d much rather spend my days there then on my bunk bed in the cabin, but I was starting to go insane.

Every day, someone different would visit me. At first, it was kinda fun. I’d have Flynn early in the mornings and at night and I’d spend my days with a different friend each day, but that too I quickly tired of. All I really wanted was to go riding again on my own, not with someone else strapped on a saddle with me, not on a small pony around a ring; I wanted to go riding up the mountain on Thor again. But Dr. Davis had informed me that that would most likely not happen for a while. As in I would never get to feel the wind running through my hair as I galloped through an open field for the rest of the summer and possibly longer than that.

I tried not to let it get to me, I really did. But this was something that was a huge part of my life. It wasn’t something I’d easily forget about. I would go months without riding and who knows where my skill level will be after that long of a break? Needless to say, I’ll have a lot of catching up to do whenever it is that I get back to work.

Which also reminded me of the horrifying fact that I had about a month before Flynn and I parted ways. The thought of watching him leave and go off on tours, make famous music, deal with all those adoring fans who were more dedicated to him and more beautiful than I was terrified me. I worried that once the summer ended, once Flynn and the boys left the ranch, I would be a distant memory. I had never mentioned this thought to Flynn; I didn’t want it to spoil our last few weeks together. But I think he knew that I thought about it. I’m sure he thought about it, too.

“Iris what are you going to wear for the party tonight?” Paisley asked, barging into my—Flynn’s—room. She was carrying a backpack which seemed to be filled to the brim with something. Briar came into Flynn’s room next, carrying a tote bag that was filled with something I couldn’t quite see from my angle on the bed.

“I’m not too sure yet. I haven’t gone to the cabin to pick something out yet.” I replied, shrugging. Paisley gave me a childish smile and dumped the contents of her backpack onto the bed, which consisted of all of my red, white, and blue apparel from my closet in the cabin.

“Surprise!” She squealed. I looked at Briar who seemed to be pretty annoyed.

“You let her do this?” Briar shrugged.

“It beat my plans.” I sat up and winced at the pain coming from my ribs. The girls seemed to notice it and both took a step toward me.

“I’m fine, really. Let’s see what each of you brought.” Paisley eagerly stepped forward and shoved the first of her selections in my hands. It was a pair of jean shorts, red wedges and a blue shirt with white stars. I grimaced at the patriotism of the outfit. And yes, I know, it’s Fourth of July, but I would not be wearing the American Flag.

“Okay a little too festive for you?” Paisley asked, reading my mind. “Try this.” She shoved the second pairing in my arms after snatching the first from me. It was a blue and white stripped skirt and a simple white tank top. This outfit was a little less out there, but I didn’t feel like wearing a skirt today ,either. Paisley huffed in annoyance and handed me her third, and final I hoped, outfit. “Let’s hope this works.” It was a pair of white shorts and on one back pocket there was the blue part of the flag with the white stars and the other pocket had the red and white stripes. The top said “Life, Liberty, and the Persuit of the Party.”

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