Chapter Thirty Two: The Dinner

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Before I knew it, Sunday came around. I had decided to leave the ranch pretty early in the day, so I could go home, make a grocery list, go shopping, clean the house, and make sure everything was perfect for tonight. It was a rare occasion that all three of us would be home for dinner, and even more special that we would have guests.

I slid the key in the front door and smiled smelling cinnamon and apple. Opal was obsessed with those scented candles and would go through what she called “flavor phases,” and only buy a certain scent. It just so happened to be cinnamon and apple spice now. The second Opal heard the door close she came sliding from around the corner and crashing into me. “IRIS!!! YOU’RE HOME!” I gave her a small squeeze and she jumped up and down like an excited puppy.

“I’ve missed you! How was camp?” I asked, following her through the house.

“Camp was awesome!” She squealed, dragging me up the stairs and into her room. “Look at all the pictures daddy let me develop!” She proudly displayed all her pictures from camp. The boy band and celebrity posters that once adorned her wall were now replaced with candid pictures of her and her camp friends doing silly things together. I smiled and she dragged me out of her room. “But my room is messy now, so I’ll clean it before the boys come over. How many of them are there?”

“There’s five of them.” Opal gave me a huge, toothy smile.

“I’m so excited! What are you going to make?” She asked as I rounded the corner into the kitchen. I began searching the pantry for any premade items. I was unhappy to find that we had absolutely nothing for me to work with.

“I’m not too sure actually,” I said, scratching the back of my head.

“You should make pasta. Pasta’s pretty easy and you can’t screw that up.” Opal giggled and I rolled my eyes.

“Well, then I’d have to go to the store.” Opal’s eyes lit up and she began bouncing in her seat.

“Can I come, too?” She asked eagerly.

“Sure!” I chirped. I grabbed my keys and we bounded out the door and into my car. “But, you can’t insist on buying everything in the store.” She pouted and we drove off.

 “Let’s get ice cream! Actually no, I want cookies! Ooh can we get cookies, Iris? Please, please, please?” Opal asked as we walked down the shopping isles. I huffed.

“We’re making a meal. Like pasta and bread, not just sugar, missy!” I waggled my finger at her.

“But we always have dessert!” Opal whined. “Besides, boys like desserts!” I tilted my head. I guess that’s true and a little dessert wouldn’t kill the boys. I reered the shopping cart in the direction of the cake isle, most of the premade desserts were there.

“What kind of dessert would you like to get?” I asked once we reached the array of sweets. Opal shook her head. “What? No desserts?”

“No of course desserts! But not premade. Gosh, Iris! Haven’t you ever heard the phrase ‘a way to a man’s heart is through his stomach?’ Premade desserts are not going to get you your man’s heart.” I blushed and Opal smirked. “Now onward! To the baking isle!” I slowly trudged behind her.

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