Chapter Nine: Retrieval

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To my surprise, Briar and Paisley were already asleep. I was a little happy they were because I knew that the moment I returned from dinner, they were going to ask me about the boys. I didn’t have a problem with it, really, but after the events that just transpired between Flynn and I, I just really wanted to take a hot shower, put on my pajamas, and crawl into bed. And cry. A lot.

            I rushed into the bathroom as quietly as I could and took the fastest shower imaginable just so I wouldn’t wake the girls up. After I had finished and toweled off, I slipped on my fuzzy pajamas and slid under the sheets. Briar and Paisley stirred in their sleep, but neither of them woke up, and before I knew it, I drifted off into sleep.

~                                                                      ~                                                                      ~

            I was woken up at 6:45 by Paisley’s alarm. Briar and I groaned and covered our heads with pillows. “Wake up, ladies!” Paisley shouted. Paisley apparently was a morning person. Good for her.

            Briar and I, on the other hand, were not. “Paisley it is six freaking forty five in the morning. Why you torturing us?!” Briar grumbled.

            “Because the early bird always catches the worm! Besides, it’s the first official day to do stuff! I don’t know about you guys, but I am so excited.” She jumped up and down and jumped onto my bed. “And you missy have a lot of ‘splainin to do!” I tried to burry my head underneath the blankets but Paisley pulled them off me. I squirmed and she laughed. Briar seemed to be wide awake now.

            “Yeah, Iris, why were you back so late last night?” Her eyebrows lifted. Paisley was not keeping her calm like Briar and was bouncing up and down on my bed.

            “Paisley if you keep bouncing on my bed I am going to vomit all over you.” Paisley’s nose wrinkled and she retreated back up to her top bunk. “The boys wanted to have a bonfire.” I answered, swinging my legs out from under me and standing up. I stretched and made my way over to the bathroom. Paisley and Briar got up and followed me into the bathroom.

            “Yeah but did anything happen?” Briar asked. I started to smile when I thought about stargazing with Flynn and falling on top of him and watching the way his eyes crinkle when he laughs. But, then I remembered the abrupt way our evening ended and that smile quickly vanished. Briar and Paisley seemed to notice and Briar put a comforting hand on my shoulder. “Are you okay? He didn’t do anything bad to you, did he?”

            “Yeah, is there anyone I need to beat up?” Paisley asked, trying to lighten the mood.

            “No. Nothing really happened, either.” I answered, putting my toothbrush in my mouth, hoping this would end all conversation.

            “Well, you can always tell us about your girl problems. Roomie talk stays in the room.” Paisley said, running a brush through her hair.

            “Yeah, we’re always here for you.” Briar added, taking out her makeup kit.

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