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Class was short and boring as usual, the teacher scolding and the kids yelling
I felt as if i was in kindergarten
At some point in the class the teacher finally got the 'troubled' kids to quite down, that's what pisses me off, the kids here try to be like me and yell at the teacher along with dumping their food on kids heads, but that's the thing, THEY TRY TO HARD. It's like i'm the evil scientist and their my minions. It's stupid
And very cringe
"POP QUIZ" the teacher yelled while smiling, knowing damn well that will piss us off
And i was right
Half of the kids in the class groaned and the other half gave her a deaf glare, it was actually pretty funny
But the one thing that isn't funny, i don't know any of the answers, but i'm still lucky, why? Because my friend Hoseok, or Hobi, is pretty good at math
So when the pop quiz started, of course me and Hobi started passing notes with answers on them, handing them ot each other under the desk's
The quiz was SO close to being over, but of course, life hate's me
"What are you two doing" i hear the teacher yell
Me and Hobi snap our heads up, coming eye to eye with a very angry teacher
She was sitting on her desk, glaring at us
The whole room goes silent and everyone looks at us
"What?" i ask, acting dumb
"What does it say on the note's you guys were passing" she asked, slowly standing up
Me and Hobi looked at each other and then smirked
We both knew what i was about to do
I stand up so everyone could see me, slowly turning to my salty teacher
I look at the paper i was holding, on the paper were math answers and numbers, but that wasn't even close to what i was gonna say
"The paper said.." i started, looking at the teacher
I smirk and stare at her dead in the eyes
"To fuck off"
I can't believe that just happened
Min Yoongi actually said that, to a teacher
I've heard about Yoongi and the stuff he's done, but i never believed them, because out of everybody, i shouldn't be the one to believe something about someone unless they said it
I'm not saying i believe all the stories about him now, i'm just saying that i could believe some of them
"MIN YOONGI" the teacher yells "OFFICE NOW"
Everyone laughs, including Yoongi
He grabs his stuff and walks out of the classroom
"Shut up" the teacher yells
Everyone wen't quite, except for a little snickers here and there
We carried on the rest of the class talking about math because, well, it's math
When the bell rung i sighed in relief, i may get straight A's but that doesn't mean it doesn't get boring every once in a while
I walk to the lunch room and sit in my usual seat, i get out my plain food and start to think
Is today a good day to die? And why do i always ask my self
I'm not afraid to die but i'm afraid of killing myself, like, for example, if someone held a gun to my head and said 'give me your money' then i would tell them to fuck off, then they would kill me and take my money anyway. But if i was in a bathtub and i had a blade in my hand, i couldn't bring myself to do it
Thinking tells a lot about you, that's how i found out i was gay, by thinking
It's strange now that i think about it, the way people answer questions and ask them, it's all by thinking
Like, one thought could change the world, it could kill somebody and save somebody. It's strange, with a thought you could change the world, as cheesy as it sounds, it's true
It really is strange, but then again, i've thought of stranger things
(i fuck with stranger things)
It was peaceful and quite until the devil walked in
I look up and see Min Yoongi walking to 'his' table, and as he sit's i can't help but stare, he may be and asshole to some people, but he's hot
I feel myself falling deeper and deeper into a trance, getting lost in all his features. My eye's falling his jaw line and soon to his eyes
He was playing with his phone, his black tattoos standing out from his pale skin, all of them coming together like puzzles pieces, hypnotizing me
I look back down at my food and start to think again, thinking about like and Pluto
I feel and hear a chair being pushed out in front on me, the sound of it being pulled across the floor made me cringe
I look up and see Min Yoongi sitting across from me, his arms crossing over his chest
"So.." he started "Why the fuck were you staring at me"