[ S E R I O U S L Y ]

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I'm so fucking sorry for the short chapter You guys are gonna hate and love me for thisBtw my Italic isn't working, so bare with me

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I'm so fucking sorry for the short chapter
You guys are gonna hate and love me for this
Btw my Italic isn't working, so bare with me


I felt my eyes tear up, re reading the note over and over again

Jungkook has Border Line Personality Disorder, and he wasn't even taking his pills

No wonder he acts the way he acts

I pick up all his stuff and put it in my backpack, making a mental note to give it to him later

I walk out of the bathroom, the halls still clear, no one in site

Except for me of course

Looking at the clock I mentally curse to myself, i only had 10 minutes of class left

"Might as well not go" I mumble

I go back in the bathroom and sit down on the counter, taking out my phone, playing a few games on it

"Didn't think I would ever see the Park Jimin skipping class"

I look up and see Yoongi, standing in the doorway, his hands in his pockets

I smile, looking down at my lap

"Cute" I hear him mumble

He walks up to me, standing in front of me

"You okay?" He asks

I nod a little, looking down a his shoes

I put my hands on my face, making my blush go down

When it disappears, I feel like it's safe to look up

But boy was I wrong

As soon as I look up I come face to face with Yoongi, our faces about 3 centimeters apart

I instantly blush again, putting my face back down again...

....Only to feel a hand under my chin, bringing it back up

He smirks at me, chuckling a little

"You're so cute" he teases

I blush even harder, smiling a little

I look at his face, re tracing every single detail he has. Every curve and feature

He's so beautiful

My eyes trail down to his lips, so pink and soft. His pale skin bringing out the plump feature

He seems to be doing the same thing, coming between my legs and pulling me close

"You're so beautiful" he whispers

I bring my hands up to his face, cuffing his cheeks

He wraps his arms around my waist, bringing me closer if possible

Me and him start leaning in, both coming closer and closer

But then the stupid fucking bell rang

We jump back in surprise, letting go of each other in the process

God fucking dammit

I look at Yoongi and notice a slight blush on his face, biting his bottom lip a little

"I-I'm sorry" he says

I look at him and wave my hands, signaling him that it was okay

"We should probably leave..." he trails off

I nod, taking a deep breath


It was now the last class of the day, and it was probably the most boring thing I have ever sat through

(I forgot what the last class what so just imagine what you want)

I was tapping my pencil against the the desk, occupying my sweet little thoughts about Yoongi. Drowning out all of the teachers annoying specking, yet still somewhat paying attention

I, Park Jimin, almost kissed the one and only Min Yoongi today

It was unreal. Very unreal

But the fucking bell had to ruin it

When i start to doze off again. The dumb bell rings, signaling for us to go home


I grab my stuff and walk out, yet making sure I'm the last one

I start walking down the long hallway, but I can't help but hear four kids talking, talking about me

Lucky me, they were close to my locker, so I could easily hear them talking

I open my locker and pretend to go threw stuff, even though I'm secretly listening

Person one: "I couldn't believe it either. But I swear to god I saw that weirdo with Yoongi and them"

Person two: "You're a fucking liar, there is no way in hell they would hang out with a guy like him"

Person one: "Fine, don't believe me, but I'm telling the truth, Jungkook even wrapped his arm around him"

Person three: "Like, legitimately touched him?"

Person one: "Yeah, and I even saw him and Yoongi getting close when he was walking with their group to the park. If you know what I mean"

Person four: "Is Park Jimin some kind of a slut now?"

I slammed my locker shut, grabbing their attention, their eyes widening, all of them looking down

I walked away, leaving all of them to do their own shit

Because guess what. Park Jimin is a weirdo, Park Jimin is an outsider, Park Jimin is something that nobody wants

But Park Jimin is not a slut

And I fucking promise you that

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