[ D A Y D R I N K I N G ]

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Imma give out a small warning for Yoonmin fans

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Imma give out a small warning for Yoonmin fans...

As for Yoonseok fans, it's your time to shine bitches


"Hoseok, I'm fine, just believe me, please" I laugh, making Hoseok pout. He had bought me food because he thought I was sad about Jimin...I'm not...

We were at his house, up in his room. Watching some movies, just random ones that were playing. Both of us drinking a little alcohol

I know, day drinking ain't the best, but school was stressful and I'm stupid 

I hear my phone go off, looking down I see that it's Jimin, 'Pretty Boy' popping up on the screen

"Hey Hoseok, Jimin wants to hang out. Would you mind if he came over?" I ask, turning my head towards him

"Yoongi, no offense, but do you think that he'll enjoy drinking with us?" he asks. Playing with the end of his shirt

I sigh, he had a point. Jimin doesn't seem like the drinking type

"And don't feel bad saying no, he can hang out with Jungkook or something," Hoseok said, taking a sip of his drink

"Yeah, you're right.." I text Jimin back, turning my attention back to the T.V, feeling a little guilty, but didn't care nonetheless

"I'm getting a little bored, do you have any ideas?" I ask, smiling when I see Hoseoks face light up

"I have an Idea"


Jennie didn't lie when she said that we were going to cuddle, she actually meant it

I was currently in the middle, Taehyung was on my right (not your right) with his arm around my shoulders, my head on his shoulders. While Jennie was on my left, her head on my lap, she had already fallen asleep. While Taehyung was close to falling asleep, he was dozing off

Apart of me wished that Yoongi was here, laying with me instead. Don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with Jennie and Taehyung, but I wish that it was Yoongi's arm that was around my shoulders. I wish it was him cuddling me

But i swear to God, I'm so glad I met Jennie, she's so trustworthy. She was the first one to hear my voice, and as far as the whole brother thing, I'm glad she hasn't told anyone, I remember that she had promised to keep it a secret, and so far. She has, no one has ever made a promise and kept it. Which is why I'm glad to have her right now, I know I can trust her with anything, and that meant a lot

We were only 20 minutes into the movie, nothing too bad happening yet, we get out of school at 3:20, and it took me 10 minutes to get home, but then another 5 minutes to realize I was locked out. But then Jungkook took me to Jennie's, which probably took only 4 minutes. And like I said, the movie has only been on for 20 minutes

So it's basically 4:00

Damn, we're doing good on time

Taehyung, takes his arm from my shoulder, causing me to look over at him, jumping a little when I see us come face to face

He laughs at me, seeing me get scared. Which only made me pout in return

"Jimin...can we talk? Well, can I talk? I've been wanting to get this off my chest for a while now...and I know you won't tell anyone. Right?" he questions

I nod, holding up my pinky, which he gladly took. I'm glad he trusted me

"Jennie... I know it's not my place. But she hasn't been getting much sleep" Taehyung said, looking at her, "She's been kept awake at night by her brother, his friends always come over. And they make the worst noise, they drink and listen to music as loud as the neighbors let them. Which is why I stay in Jennie's room all the time. That's why I have clothes there" he says, turning his attention towards me, he looked sad, his eyes getting glossy "And Jimin, I'm telling you this because I'm not going to be around Jennie 24/7, and I know I can count on you to make her happy, or to catch her if she slips...and I'm also telling you this because I know what your brother does, and I'm thinking you guys could help each other out with that stuff"

My eyes widen, my breath getting caught me my throat


Jennie told him? Jennie fucking told him

She broke her promise

I feel tears threatening to spill out,  my eyes getting watery

"Jimin, is everything okay?" he asks

I ignore him, gently sliding Jennie off my lap as I get up, putting my shoes on

"What's going on" I hear Jennie whisper, still half asleep

I get my other clothes, grabbing my phone as well

"Jimin, did I say something wrong?" he asks

Upon hearing that, Jennie wakes up more, looking at me


I slam the door, not letting her finish her sentence, I don't care if she's dating Taehyung or not, she fucking told him. How could she, I told her I didn't want anyone knowing

A secrets a fucking secret. No matter what

I pick up my phone, going to text Yoongi, all I wanted right now was him. I wanted to cry at him, I wanted to just let everything spill out, I needed to talk to him, I wanted to talk to him

Me: Hey Yoongi, can you please
text back, I kind of need someone
right now

Me: Even if you don't
want to talk, just listen

Me: Please answer Yoongi

I sigh, continuing to walk, hoping- no, praying he would answer, wishing he would

I see my house come into view, mentally beating myself up when I see that my step-brother's car is gone, which means that the doors are still locked

Yoongi still hasn't answered, he hasn't even read the texts

God Yoongi, what are you doing


The T.V. was off. Both Yoongi and Hoseok out of breath, their bodies hot. Craving one another

Hoseok was straddling Yoongi, loving the tight grip Yoongi had on his waist. Their mouths in sync, their messy make out session making them both go crazy with the poison in their veins

It was said before, and it will be said again. Day drinking is never a good idea

It started off innocent, nothing wrong, just a small, two-person drinking game to see who would get drunk the fastest, to make fun memories with each other

How this it get to this?

Hoseok started to grind on Yoongi, causing them both to groan. Both of them feeling more pleasure as it gets hotter

Yoongi rolls them over, being on top of Hoseok now, taking his attention away from the youngers lips and to his neck, sucking on the sweaty skin. His drunk mind loving the way Hoseokes moans sound, wanting- needing more. It was absolute heaven, or maybe it was hell in disguise

Neither of them would know until it's over

But, ignoring all the warning signs, Yoongi continued to undo his pants, giving Hoseok room to take off his shirt. Both of them throwing their clothes to all corners of the room

And the rest was a blur

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