[ H E Y N O W W E ' L L B E O K A Y ]

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READ | IMPORTANT so I know I've been gone for awhile, and I apologize for that, and so you guys don't have to go back and re-read

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so I know I've been gone for awhile, and I apologize for that, and so you guys don't have to go back and re-read. I'm just going to tell you some important things that have happened in the last few chapters and hopefully everything starts coming back lol

- Jimin talked to Yoongi/they started dating
- Lisa assaulted Jimin and started to spread a rumor about him sleeping with people for money
- Jennie found out she was pregnant  
- Jennie and Lisa got in a fight/Jennie won
- Jungkook got hit with a car/is in coma
- Last chapter ends with Mr.Jeon (jungkooks dad) calling Jin and telling him that Jungkook is in a coma

That's about all

I 💕 you guys, and Trigger warning throughout

Also, do y'all get the title reference?

~ Author ~

Jimin felt his heart drop and his blood run cold, he was hoping, praying that he had heard Jin wrong, that he just didn't hear what Jin had said, that maybe he was ACTUALLY going deaf

Taehyung started laughing, causing Jin to whip his head towards him with an unreadable expression

"You're joking, right? This is just one of Jungkooks stupid ideas of a prank, isn't it?" Taehyung said, his laughing coming to a halt after Jin had just glared at him, jaw clenched and tears slowly falling

"Taehyung, I WISH it was a prank, but Mr.Jeon didn't sound like it was all fun in games" Jin whispered, turning his attention towards the table, gulping

The bell then rang, but Jimin ignored it, still thinking about Jungkook, and what could of possibly happened

"Guys...we can visit Jungkook after school, we should probably just finish up classes first-" Jennie started, but was cut off

"Our best friend, our fucking family, Jungkook is in a coma and all you can think about is finishing classes and waiting till AFTER school, no offense Jennie but I'm going now. And whoever wants to come can come, unless you would rather stay and finish classes" Jin snaps, picking up his stuff and walking out the double doors

Jimin turns to Jennie and sees her tears coming down

"You're fine Jennie," Taehyung whispers, "Jins just stressed, plus, he told Mr.Jeon he would go after school anyway, so don't worry, you didn't do anything wrong"

~ Jimin ~

I sigh and turn my attention to everybody, looking around and focusing on all of their individual reactions, which just got even more heartbreaking

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