[ F O R G I V E ]

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Okay. Question
Would ya'll rather me update once a week with chapters that are 1,500-2,000 words long
Update every two-three days with only 800-1,000 words long (like this one)


About another 8 minutes had passed, and i finally hear everything go silent, nothing but a slammed door could be heard

I run to the window again, seeing the three guys getting back in their car, all of their faces remaining emotionless

When they drive off, I unlock my door and race down stairs, faster then I ever have before. Starting to cry at the sight before me

Chanyeol, on the ground. He looked like half of his life had been beaten away. His lips busted, blood coming out of his mouth. More bruises and cuts littered everywhere

"C-Chanyeol" I cry out, running over to him. Getting down on my knees

"Jimin..." he trails off, wincing in pain, "Why are you down here"

"You idiot, you just got an inch of your life taken off, we need to get you to a hospi-"

"No, we're not going"


This idiot is on the ground, looking like death, and he doesn't want to go to the hospital?

"Chanyeol, why"

He sighs, shaking his head

"Jimin, these are bad people. I said I would give them something and I didn't follow through. Hence why I'm trying to get sober and out of that stupid drug business"


"Plus, I deserve this"

My face was full of confusion now. No one deserves this, he may of beat me as well. But this was far worse then anything he's done to me, he looks traumatized, he looks dead almost

"Chanyeol, no one deserves this" I say

"Jimin, I do. Please, don't help me. At all. Just let me lay here and take it" he says, laughing a little

I sit in silence, making sure he doesn't die. I'm going to help him, wether he wants me to or not

"Jimin, I know what you're thinking. And no, I won't let you help. Go to your room and sleep or something. Not only have I beat you, but I've raped you Jimin, I've raped you. I've held you down and I've forced you to do stuff that you didn't want to do. I deserve this more then anything, I deserve this one hundred more times Jimin, I'm trying to get better and I'm taking whatever karma throws at me. Just go to sleep and let me take care of this myself"

I was in shock, total and utter shock. He apologized. He really apologized. He's actually trying to stop what he's doing

"And Jimin, I don't want you to forgive me. What I did, and what I let my friends do to you. Is horrible, you are nothing but an angel, all you ever tried to do was make people happy. And god knows how much I've taken from you. I'm sorry, I really am. But if more shit like this happens, just let it happen. I didn't stop my friends while they raped you, so I don't want you to stop those people while they hurt me. Okay?"

I nod, swallowing the lump in my throat. Standing up. Muttering a small "goodnight" as I walk up the stairs

Once I reach my bed room, I lay in my bed. Taking a deep breath, still trying to process everything that was just said to me

Schools going to be very interesting tomorrow


"My answer is yes"

The line had gone dead, both boys had gone silent

"Wait...are you serious?" Hoseok asked. Unable to believe that Yoongi had actually said yes

"Yes Hoseok. I am, and you're right. You've done nothing but try to make me happy, and that means a lot to me. So I wanna try to make this work" Yoongi says 

"But what about Jimin?" Hoseok asked, still very worried about that part of the equation

Yoongi sighs, shaking his head

"It's obvious he likes Jungkook...so please don't worry about him"

Even though Yoongi couldn't see him, he nods, muttering a small "okay" into the phone. A smile on his face

"Does this mean we're dating?" Hose ask's, still worried about Yoongis answer

But the elder just laughed, shaking his head again

"Yes Hoseok, we're dating"

~At Jennie's house~

"Jennie, I said i was sorry hours ago, quit giving me the silent treatment" Taehyung groans. Only causing Jennie to turn away more

"Jennie, why can't you talk to me. This wasn't my fault"

Jennie turns to him, red faced and mad

"This was your fault, why did you tell him I told you? I trusted you enough to tell you a secret, and thought that you would keep it, like you usually do"

"Okay, look. You did that same exact thing to Jimin, he told you a secret and you told me"

Jennie rolls her eyes, glaring at her boyfriend

"But your my boyfriend, Jimins pissed at me because I told someone I thought I could trust. Why did you tell him?" She asks

"Because, you never told me I couldn't tell him. Just that you have a secret to share. AND to be fair. You can't tell his secret and expect me to feel bad when I tell him the truth. He's Jimin, he shouldn't have anything hidden from him. Just apologize to him tomorrow"

She sighs, putting her face in her hands. Worried written on her face

"Jimin probably just lost all the trust he had with me, god"

Taehyung stays silent, bringing her in a hug

"Just say sorry, I'm sure he'll understand"

"I hope so"

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