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I froze as soon as he said those words, why was i staring at him? Shit, i don't even know

"I asked you a question" he growled

I sat still, not saying a word, i'm not gonna waste my words on Min Yoongi. Not now and not ever

"What the fuck is your problem, all i wan't is a fucking answer" he said again, but a lot more scary this time. I would never admit this, but so far he scares the living shit out of me

His face is getting red and he's burning hole's into me, what the fuck am i supposed to do. He's got a bad reputation and i'm not gonna get the school talking about how i wasted words on Yoongi and not some actual nice people

"Look kid, you better fucking speck or i'm gonna-" he was cut off by a tall guy who kinda looked like an egg, a cute egg

"Come on Yoongi" he said "Don't waste your time on this freak" and with that he dragged Yoongi away

 I don't know if i should be happy that he's gone or sad that he called me a freak, but right now i really don't care. The more i think about it the more i start to act up

I stand up and grab my stuff while walking out of the lunch room and run to the bathrooms, locking myself in a stall as i rock back and forth while breathing really heavily. One things for sure, if i don't calm down then i'm gonna have a panic attack

~Yoongi ~

"What the fuck Namjoon" i snap, we were at are lunch table sitting down with the others, "Why did you pull me away" i growled

"Maybe if you would of let Jennie finish her sentence then you wouldn't be so mad right now" Tahyung said "Now Jennie, why doesn't the kid talk"

I look to Jennie signaling for her to go

"It's hard to explain, like nobody knows. All i know is that his name is Jimin and he has never talked to anybody in this school, not even the teachers. Some people think he's weird, some people thinks he's mute, and other's kinda don't care" Jennie finished

"What a cute fucking weirdo" i whisper under my breath, loud enough for only me to hear

"But" Jennie's friend, Lisa cuts in "You have to admit that Jimin is really fucking cute" Lisa said while blushing

"He actually is" Jennie said while smirking

"You bitch" Tahyung playfully growled

everyone except for me laughed as i was to busy thinking about why the kid doesn't talk. What if he is mute, wouldn't he have maybe wrote it down somewhere?

I look over and see that Jimin is gone and out of the lunch room, did i scare him off

 I roll up my sleeves showing all my tattoos

"The teachers are gonna get pissed at you for that" Hoseok said

I shrug and continue thinking about random shit, but the bell soon ranged and everybody was off to their classes

Me and Lisa walked together since we have the same class, stupid fucking science

I walk in and see the boy, Jimin, from earlier. How come I've never noticed him before?

I sit by a boy named Jackson, not angry at Jimin, but angry at me

Jimin looked so cute, his over sized sweater and black jeans were perfect on him

I sigh, regretting the fact that i was a total dick to him

"I need to go to anger management" i mutter to myself 


I was in the bathroom trying to calm down, i was rubbing my hands on my things and rubbing my wrist together, thinking of relaxing times with my parents

Like the time we made a cake together, or the time we went to the circus

Or the first time i went to the carnival

I slighty laugh, remembering how i thought i was gonna die

I was breathing fine now and i wasn't panicking as much anymore

The bell rang and i decided i was clam enough to make it through class, i pick my bags up and start to walk to science

Today were getting assigned partners, and thankfully i'm always alone

I get in science and there's about only 4 kids in the class so far

I sit towards the back and put my ear buds in listening to music while waiting for class to start

About two minutes later i see in the corner of my eye Yoongi walking in class, i didn't look straight at him, but he did look straight at me. The whole time he was talking at lunch, i never made eye contact with him

Can you blame me

The teacher came in and everyone began the quiet down

everyone became quite as the teacher stood in front of the class


"As you know, i'm assigning partners today, and i wanna try something new" everyone sat straight up and started to pay close attention

One by one he started calling names, people got a little weirded out because they were put with people that they never even heard of, people who were complete opposites

Everyone was quite until the teacher smirked and called out two names that made everyone about loose their mind

"Min Yoongi and Park Jimin"

~Jimin and Yoongi~


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