[ A F R A I D ]

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It was the last class. The last class of the day. After that i have to go home. Or as i like to call it 'hell'

My home isn't what you would call 'home'. More like a house, or even hell

Long story short. I live in hell

Riiiing (??)

The bell rung signalling for us to go home, sadly

Everyone was walking out and talking to their friends, along with some people just staying back and hanging out

I was walking out of the school and see Yoongi and his 'gang' up a against the wall, laughing about something

I turn the other direction and start to walk the long way home, the longer the better

As i'm walking i hear someone yell my name, or what i suppose is my name

"Hey dork!" i hear someone yell

I keep walking and ignore the yelling, hoping they would just leave me alone

I feel someone grab my arm, keeping me in place

"I said fucking stop" he growled

The boy had is hands on my waist and his chin on my shoulder. His mouth was whispering in my ear

I start to wiggle and try to move, feeling very uncomfortable 

He let me go, and when i turned to see the guy, he smirked at me, looking like a bunny 

He grabs me by the collar and give me a deadly like glare

"You try to fuck with Yoongi and i fuck you up" he growled

I nodded and he let me go, i turn and walk away, with him still eye fucking me

I turn the corner and start breathing heavily. I whisper things to myself trying to calm me down so i don't have a panic attack while walking home

"Why does this have to happen to me" i whisper to myself


The bell rung and it was time to go home, but me, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Hoseok stayed back

All of us were hanging by the walls at the school, laughing and talking. But of course, something happened

"Isn't that the kid your doing your project with" Taehyung asked

"Yeah" i said shrugging

"Would it be ok if i talked to him" Jungkook asked

I snapped my head up to him and give him a questionable look

"What do you mean" i ask

"I just wanna talk, you know, get to know him, he cute"

"But he doesn't talk" Hoseok said

"Come on, i just wanna say a few words to him"

"No" i deadpan

"But whyyyy" Jungkook whined, as if he was still a baby

"Just let it go" i sigh, running my hands through my hair, "Im gonna go, stay away from him"


When you walked away, i made sure he was out of sight, smirking to myself

"So, i'll see ya soon" I said "I'm gonna go talk to the kid"

"But didn't Yoongi say not-" Taehyung started to say, but was soon interrupted by me cutting him off

"Yoongi isn't my dad" i said while rolling his eye's

I say good bye then turn and run the the kid, Jimin was it?

"Hey dork!" i yell

The boy kept walking and ignored the yelling, walking straight forward while not saying a word

I walk faster and grab Jimin's arm, keeping him in place. I lower my head by his ear and in the crook of his neck, wrapping my arms around his slim yet curvy body. Placing my hands on his waist

"I said fucking stop" i growl

The boy, Jimin, started to wiggle and try to move away from the my touch, but he couldn't. I was taller, faster, and stronger then he was

(A/N Jimins the youngest in this story)

So when he got a chance to see my face, I let the pretty boy go and watch him turn around

As soon as he does, I grab Jimin by the collar and give him a deadly like glare

"You try to fuck with Yoongi and i fuck you up" I growled

The poor boy nodded as i let him go. I watch the boy walk away and smirk to myself, now Jimin will be afraid of me. And that's all i want

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