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a few things before we start

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a few things before we start

as you would guess, the Mafia AU won, and Yoonmin won along with it

plz remember tho, i will be wanting to try all of those story's in the future, so please stick around 😊

also, i've put out a little teaser of the mafia au, so please go check that out, it's called "Yes,Sir" (you'll understand why when you read the description)

anyway, i'd like to put a major trigger warning on this

word count: 3356

~ Author ~

Jimin woke up with a smile on his face, turning his alarm off as he sees that Yoongi was still sleeping on the facetime call

Jimin giggles to himself and ends the call, rolling his eyes at how cute his boyfriend was

He gets out of bed, groaning as he grabs a towel out of his drawer as well as some clothes to wear, making his way to the bathroom

Despite being semi happy, Jimin felt heavy, not physically but mentally, dragging his feet with every step he took, feeling his phone go off every few minutes, another unknown number spamming him with horrible words

Jimin sighs, starting the water and getting in, thinking about how someone can hate somebody so much to go to the lengths of literally spamming them those horrible words

It didn't make sense, Jimin knew that what those strangers were saying shouldn't make an impact on him so much, but ever since he started getting all this hate, all these death threats, he's felt weak. He feels like his thoughts are controlling him even through it should be the other way around, that all though he was in complete control of his body 24/7, he was a puppet on some strings

He turned off the water and got out, getting dressing and making his way to the kitchen, grabbing an apple

He had waken up extra early, he wanted to go to the ocean like he use to do, he hasn't been the happiest lately and he wanted to change that

So, with his shoes on and his back pack over his shoulder, he steps out of his house and starts walking to the bus stop, waiting patiently for the bus to get there

Once the bus does arrive, Jimin walks up the steps smiling to the bus driver

Jimin was one of the four people on the bus, it was quiet and he liked it, a lot. But his mind wasn't at peace like the rest of him, he didn't understand why he felt this way but he thought that maybe the view of the ocean could change that

Jimins bus stops, the ocean right outside his window

He gets up and walks to the front, giving the lady her money, but she doesn't take it, she smiles at him and shakes her head

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