[ M Y M O O N ]

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please vote on ONE of three story au's at the end for what i should do for my next book please and thank you

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please vote on ONE of three story au's at the end for what i should do for my next book please and thank you

bc who doesn't like voting? lol

~ Author ~

Jimin looked at Yoongi like he had gone mad

"A tattoo? Nah" he giggles, his eyes turning into moons

"Cmoooooon, we can get a matching one, like those cliche couples do in the movies" Yoongi smiles, looking at Jimin with hopeful eyes

"What kind?" he asks

Yoongi thinks for a moment, "Well we don't want it to be something that's TO cliche, you know what I mean?"

Jimin nodded, playing with his fingers as he patiently waited for Yoongi to think of something

Yoongi looks down at his arms and smiles, holding his wrist out for Jimin

"You can get a moon on your wrist, like how I have a sun on mine" Yoongi smiles

Jimin starts laughing, and that rubs Yoongi the wrong way

"Um...now that I think about it, it does sound kinda stupid" he says, slowly retreating his wrist back

Jimin grabs ahold of his arm before he can, shaking his head

"The whole time you had that tattoo", Jimin laughs, "I thought it was a symbol for Hoseok or something"

Yoongi rolls his eyes and shakes his head, but non the less loving how happy Jimin looked

"So....is that a yes?" Yoongi asks, giving Jimin puppy eyes

"Yes, as long as you never do that again" Jimin says, playfully scrunching his nose as Yoongis puppy eyes

"Whatever you brat" he responds, standing up and gently tackling Jimin, showering him with kisses

"Let's go get your tattoo!"

~ Jimin ~

I looked down at the small tattoo that was on my wrist and smiled, it was cute, very cute, and honestly I liked it a lot, especially since it's a connection with Yoongi

(imagine the moon tattoo however you would like to imagine it ☺️)

"Do you like it?" Yoongi asked, holding onto my hand as we walked out of the tattoo shop

"I love it," I whisper, "Thank you"

Although the tattoo pinched a little while getting it, I didn't mind

He gives me a kiss on the cheek and I giggle, swinging our arms as we walk down the street, the shop wasn't that far from my house

"Are you positive you like it?" Yoongi asks again, looking at me

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